Friday, March 18, 2011

I Masterbate In The Public


Spain, Costa Blanca. The sun is still hot even though it is already September. On the streets there is none, and the air is permeated with a scent of lemon that reaches the sea. It is here that Sandra, in his thirties crisis, sought refuge not have a job, is at odds with their parents, is pregnant with a man who is sure to love. It is lonely and confused, and desperate for a compass for her life. Until the day when he meets his eyes sympathetic and kind: it is Fredrik and Karen Christensen, a couple of lovely old men. They're like the grandparents never had. Moment by moment, gave her a tender friendship, the people are charming as Albert, and welcome in the large villa surrounded by beautiful flowers. A paradise. But in reality it is hell. Why are Karin and Fredrik Nazi criminals. Were known for their ferocity and now, behind their eyes peacefully, hatch a dream to start over. Julian knows, survivor of the concentration camp at Mathausen, which for days following their movements step by step. Now, perhaps, may expose and Sandra is the only one able to help. It is not easy to convince of the truth. Yet, after an initial moment of disbelief, the woman begins to look with different eyes. Sandra now has understood: she and her very small risk. But no matter. Why everyone should know. Because what has happened does not fall into oblivion.

"The Scent of lemon leaves" is presented as a true publishing event, with many editions and reprints in a few days. And the plot is not hard to see why: an old jew who survived the concentration camp at Mathausen, arrived in Spain after discovering that there Friedrik counts and Karin, two elderly Nazi war criminals now, the architects of his suffering and many others. In his desire for revenge meets Sandra, a young pregnant woman who finds herself on holiday there in spite of a prisoner in the house of these two elderly top suspect. Surveys of Julian and Sandra will come out the existence of a true brotherhood that gathers a lot of old Nazi war criminals.

Wow! You say! And it's actually what I immediately thought, too. But the story sluggish. It does not happen anything at all, or at least nothing that a basic idea of \u200b\u200bthis portends well thought out. We will never arrive at a moment of real tension, nor the life of Sandra is never actually be in danger. And the only small plot twist is predictable from the outset.
Well, I think the author missed the opportunity to write a masterpiece.

Note to translation: how did the original title, "Lo que nombre Escondite you" (that hiding your name), to become "The smell of lemon leaves?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Invitations No Gifts But Pay Own Meal

Charlie Chaplin Mutual Comedies (1916-17)

What follows is a study that I have compiled what we are left with the 12 that Charlie Chaplin Mutual comedies made between 1916 and 1917. I consider the most creative period of Chaplin's Mutual, one in which he knew to be fun, carefree, sometimes cynical, sometimes melancholic strings in anticipation of its future work (as in The Vagabond, The Immigrant), but the common denominator with its main captivating comedy.
Chaplin made his bones at Keystone with thirty-five films in one year (1914), he perfected his style in Essanay (1915-early 1916), reached peaks of perfection of the Mutual (1916-1917), which then continued in the rest of his career in silent seamless, as we all know that saw it produce less and less film on the floor number but more artistically beautiful.
as mere clowns, some works of the Mutual remains its creative peak. Today, these comedies were released on DVD in the issues that we have returned in their purity and visibility, restored to the levels of his most mature. Unfortunately, what remains is the result of work of cutting and re-release of these films that history has unfortunately had to know, because Chaplin had the rights of its short, long and medium-length films from 1918 onwards, that his independent production. This does not apply to the Mutuals.
In short, to sum up:
- In 1922, CORNELIUS-CLARK CORPORATION-which had acquired the rights to comic by the same three years earlier-MUTUAL redistribute these movies in theaters, however, make some changes. Usually, it aimed to eliminate what seemed superfluous, such as characters' movements from one area of \u200b\u200bthe visual field, which was shortened to gain speed of action, or scissor kick away the scenes that seemed less funny and useless. This was the original sin in charge of everything. These films were changed arbitrarily and are still copies with which we deal.
-In 1925 KODASCOPE by Eastman Kodak bought the rights of Mutuals and distributed them still in theaters. Some of these copies still survive and, in the incompleteness general, were the most reliable for many films and is a Blackhawk source from which the film has long used in their editions of 8 and 16mm home movie.
-In 1932, the Mutuals were sold to the Van Beuren Corporation, RKO distribution. This gave the coup de grace. The shorts were sound, the intertitles removed and worked there more cuts. This is the lowest point in the history of the Mutuals.
-In 1941 COMMONWEALTH / date acquired films and reissued them individually cha through three anthologies of four titles each.
-Mutuals in 1945 finally became public knowledge.
Summarizing the other phases, I can say that the mid-seventies began a real reconstruction of these films, made by various scholars in the field, including David Shepard. The Blackhawk movie captions reinstated to its copies for sale, were searched for the best elements to create new duplicate negative from the public.
-In 1984, David Shepard bought the exclusive rights on its editions, and these copies are still the primary source of that during the nineties and the years of this decade has been released on home video, first on VHS, laser disc, then After on DVD.

In my study I have tested dozens of different versions of that short film. I started from the VHS editions published in the early nineties (in Italy and LegoCart Cinehollywood of all), the anthology film (the compilation of the fifties and sixties), the DVD releases published since 1999 in Italy and abroad, Super8 material, 8, 9.5, or 16mm, found evidence of copies available and best suited to the original edition of each film.
For the sake of synthesis and clarity, the issues that I compare explicitly in each paragraph are the following:
-IMAGE ENTERTAINMENT 90th ANNIVERSARY Y EDITION box set DVD, which came out in the region 0 in the United States in 2006 and today remains the best edition on the market on comic Mutuals. This edition will be cited in paragraphs simply as "IMAGE".
-ERMITAGE/D-CULT video DVD, "Chaplin's Life" in its original edition (2003) and later reprinted several times under the brand even today EXA DVD and D-CULT. It 's the best edition produced in Italy on Mutuals, taken from the old American edition IMAGE nineties.
-Edition RAI (Italian Radio and Television) for each short, which I quote at the end of each paragraph. These comedies were sent all twelve in the series "ALL CHAPLIN IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER" by Giancarlo Governments aired on RAIUNO in 1989. The music of these courts were entrusted to the master Lino Patruno and Italian television continued to broadcast with a continuity until the end of the nineties. I chose to add a comment to these issues because this is what we Italians for more than ten years we have seen on TV and are the versions with which I grew personally as a child.

for each film is analyzed to date that has been found different or more complete and not incorporated into the American novantennale IMAGE previously mentioned plus a hint of the difference (out-takes) found by Kevin Brownlow and David Gill in the early eighty via Raymond Rohauer and base of the first episode of their UNKNOWN CHAPLIN and now archived in the British Film Institute in England.
Good reading, are at your disposal for questions is clear, even within my portal / forum on Charlie Chaplin:


The films are placed in chronological order:


's edition of the film does not differ at all from the Hermitage. Musical accompaniment excluded, and also excluding the introductory caption that is different and more faithful to the original.

The film is cut and there are still those who saw him in a much longer version in a different editing. There is talk of more minutes, absolutely non-trivial things, or trifles. The beginning is more elaborate, there are other variations in scenes and gag the escalator. No copying or circulating easily traced, you can take as an example, but the film-like all of those series that there are eyewitnesses still alive or not-is the son of the shortened re-release made in the early twenties.

Out-takes from THE FLOORWALKER have been used by Kevin Brownlow and David Gill for UNKNOWN CHAPLIN but some still remains unused deposited at the British Film Institute. In the documentary "CHAPLIN'S GOLIATH" (1996), fortunately included as extras in the same set of DVD IMAGE one of these unusual residues has been inserted. It 's really a pearl: a brief recovery on the set of Charlie, who directs Eric Campbell.

copying RAI (titrated Charlot order) is cut at the beginning and also at the point where it appears for the first time Charlie: An important part, which is the scene of the feminine intrigues Charlie fake leg, the one near the fountain The brief greeting to a customer of the store. About a minute.


edition IMAGE is better defined than ERMITAGE, regardless of the musical, wonderful in IMAGE, just enough in the second edition.

Both editions, however, lack a scene. When Leo White seek help, a point on the original version of the film is sitting next to Charlie and the two were yelling "Fire!" each other. I hope that sooner or later, this small addition can be incorporated into the film.

On The Fireman are not many survivors refuse. The small portion of out-takes is still preserved at the British Film Institute, as for the other comic Mutuals.

copying entire RAI is voiced but badly so annoying when Leo White yelling "Fire, help, fire!" Repeatedly and without the aid of intertitles. Glenn Mitchell in his "CHAPLIN ENCYCLOPEDIA" about a French edition with this annoying flaw. Obviously the person that made the series RAI had in mind this version, entirely dissimilar to the original spirit of the film and probably born at the time of the first soundtracks.


IMAGE edition is identical to that restored via laser disc several years before and therefore compliant in all respects (including graphic signs) to the Italian ERMITAGE.

A different camera angle and different camera angles for the first sequence in the saloon can be noticed in a Blackhawk Super 8 film, as well as the disappearance of Charlie is more complete in this copy. Charlie has time to completely exit the field without being blurred before.

few out-takes on this film survived, many of which are high because of decomposition. The funny appearance (sudden) Edna near his portrait in front of the terrified mother (probably a game between the actors on the set) was included in UNKNOWN CHAPLIN. Unfortunately it is not even left the alternate ending of the film, which according to legend was completely different. Edna did not come back, and Charlie was thrown into the river in despair. Saved by a very ugly woman, is rejected in the river again. The RAI

copy of this film derives from the old editions shortened and missing at various points. The presentation of Edna, the Cinderella Gypsy mistreated there. Edition restored shortly after there is a scene where Charlie walks on country road. Something different is still present in the version RAI (and in the editions from which it is): Charlie is in the dusty road in the country, takes some 'ground, throws it into the air and stretches. This scene is not present in today's edition DVD and it is a little gem that shows the issue RAI.
The Vagabond is still tormented by the RAI cuts. There are Saving Edna-during which wrongly included the insertion of the countess his mother, in fact, immediately after the original scene of much of the saloon-bodied, and most importantly it is absent the entire sequence of the painter who stops dinner from Charlie and Edna, a long cut-minute film, painful narrative economy.

edition is much more complete than ERMITAGE that instead conforms to the vast majority of copies in circulation.
One. AM is the only short novantennale of the box "Image Entertaiment" to be substantially different from other DVD copies available and toned in blue for night scenes.
The beginning of the film in a taxi is more elaborate, longer and with more shots. Inside the apartment Charlie has several additional scenes, even more difficult to climb the stairs leading upstairs, there are more ideas, the ballet on the table is much more prolonged. Charlie dresses as a mountain to climb stairs, how he should make a superhuman effort. From the moment Charlie rooms upstairs but there is no known variations of continuity, except that the ending seems a few seconds longer.
David Shepard, the editor of this edition, she found this print in 35mm, 1919, and perfect with all the variations listed quickly.
Originally a part of this material was contained in the old copy Blackhawk silent films in 16mm and another part was available with a copy of the National Film Archive in London. Since the material appeared in lesser-known conditions to lower quality than the rest, it was thought they were out-takes. The discovery of Shepard shows us instead that it is not so and that the film was released much longer than you thought and then when it was reissued three years later still retains its original shape. The Clark Cornelius had not yet had time to do damage.

ONE AM survived on a limited number of out-takes, obviously preserved at the BFI. The RAI

copy of the film is consistent with how the film was distributed for years (cut).
said, Lino Patruno's music is as nice as the other courts.


The box contains the usual known copy of this film, the sister of that output in the set ERMITAGE in Italy.

have yet to jump out complete editions of this film. For now, as noted by Glenn Mitchell in his "Charlie Chaplin Encyclopedia", is to report an intriguing curiosity. In his famous compilation funniest THE MAN IN THE WORLD (1967) the football towards the end of the film settles down to the cop Charlie does a very good sign indeed hitting on her face. The most popular items is confined to touch him in the chest area.

historian Frank Scheide has finished cataloging-a little over ten years ago-of waste material of the Mutual film that finally ended in the archives of the British Institute after some delays have postdated the final restoration. As an extra on the DVD published by the Film Library of Bologna on the same Scheide UNKNOWN CHAPLIN is proposing a study of the making The Count, starting from the first scenes in the kitchen-that were shot. The surviving material is also notable for this movie. In addition to very tasty variations on the various scenes, we have the opportunity to see Leo White in the shoes of the role then given to Eric Campbell in the first scene of the shooting of their being in the house of the lady who wants to conquer. Three quarters of the short scene we see a completely deleted by Chaplin, Charlie, in which you drop the ice cream into his shirt as he sat in the garden with Edna.
As said, the opening sequence in the film, in tailoring, was shot last. By CHAPLIN: The life and art of David Robinson is reported twice the presence of a very funny scene. Chaplin is sewing a garment only to realize it's firmly attached to their pants. Of this scene in the documentary UNKNOWN CHAPLIN there is no trace, in extra care by Scheide only partially: it appears for a few seconds of tailoring Charlie sitting on the table with his legs crossed, shot taken from the scene just discarded, that aspect just to be published in DVD in its complete form, sooner or later. The RAI

copy of THE COUNT is perfectly complete and enjoyable.

The Pawnshop

IMAGE ERMITAGE and no different even in the graphic signs.

Fat usurer (Henry Bergman) who's walking around the chest and opens her arms waiting for Charlie is the original beginning of the film. Then Edna prepares the cake. Both copies of DVD and video versions quoted-circulating-open instead with Edna intent on making the cake, the beginning is not there. Then there is another take usurer who waits impatiently, and finally entered the scene of Charlie. Several copies in 8 and 16mm can claim this part of the film intact.
Another small change occurs in three quarters of the short, while Charlie handles the wake of Albert Austin. When Charlie uses the opener to force the alarm there is a different camera angle that was cut off along with the subsequent close-up of his hands. In the old copy Standard 8mm Blackhawk Films of this missing piece could be easily found and restored to DVD.

Brownlow and Gill have used very little of the many out-takes that have been preserved, have focused mostly on the qualities of Sydney Chaplin as a juggler on the set of the kitchen. There are entire sequences discarded like other films, but more interesting material, as different types of tests and tests on many scenes. I hope that sooner or later, the BFI is decided to publish at least part of this material.

copying RAI makes it even more incomplete the beginning of the comic. Cut off the whole prologue, the first shot that appears is that of Charlie come at a brisk pace in the shop. The remainder of the film is complete, although a caption (as Charlie is at the counter to take money to give to the customer of the ring) accounts for a few seconds of film.

The Rink IMAGE

edition is more complete than ERMITAGE. There are many more intertitles that make clear the action. One among them is located at the beginning of the film, before Charlie started to prepare the cocktail. He stops at a table and you approach a lady. The caption reads, ordering the drink and soon after Charlie strives to blend. In the copy ERMITAGE and I would say in almost all copies in circulation, quell'intertitolo there and the scene is nothing short of confusing. It is not the only intertitles in addition, there are other, more faithful to the original.
Then there is a very important restoration in one of the most confusing film. In almost all copies of this short, there is a clear cut at the time of the battle between Charlie and another waiter at the local (John Rand). Charlie receives the cook (Albert Austin) of the foods that are pulled through the air and he manages to fall gently into the pot. ERMITAGE edition is only the food that falls on the plate but not the one who throws it. There are few frames that IMAGE edition has been slow due to enabling the viewer to see as well as the scene develops. Albert Austin and Charlie throws the food it receives. These frames are not just ERMITAGE edition.
The final cut on the DVD ERMITAGE. It does not appear the last shot of the car who attacked Charlie smiles and raises his hat. Shot that closes the issue instead of the IMAGE film.

At a broader level, including the edition IMAGE is not entirely complete. Said of the possibility that more fragments are missing can be identified, the end of the film is still not as extensive as would have been possible. If he had found a copy of the short Kodascope would have been possible to complete the final THE RINK. After Eric Campbell and the other pursuers stumble and fall into the street, Chaplin picks up the cylinder and smiled but then he falls to the ground. This drop is not working in any edition on DVD.

The Rink is the only short film series Mutual of which have not survived out-takes.

copying RAI (Charlot Caliper ") begins with this caption" Mr. Trenton, the daughter of Louise and Esmeralda the cat. " The beginning of the film is intact and that in itself should not be underestimated because many home video editions of the past years it was not. However, there is a clear cut at the point where the owner of the restaurant is to blame the cook because the fat client (Henry Bergman) had found a bar of soap and a brush into the pot. There is a substantial jump leads Action now at the point of the meeting between Mr. and Mrs. Stout.
The finish is even more incomplete copy of the Hermitage. Does not appear even the shot of the pursuers that fall, is closed directly when the first shot of Charlie attacked the car in motion.

Note: The old edition of the Blackhawk Super 8mm film has a different camera angle in the scene where Charlie takes Edna out of the hall rink. EASY STREET

edition IMAGE is equal to the Hermitage. There are variations.

Both copies of missing dots in other editions of the film, none of which, unfortunately, out on DVD:
-In the scene of the anesthetic, Eric Campbell had more shots in different camera angles. The scene of fainting was therefore more elaborate. The anthology of the 1967 Funniest THE MAN IN THE WORLD contains all of this. In addition, in prints of the film from Europe the angle of the first floor is still different. Then there is no gag-
when Charlie calls in the police station and while trampling the body of Campbell walking. Copies Kodascope contain the scene.
-At the end of the first roll, the police chief greets Charlie, but on two occasions and not one as it appears in these issues.
completely cut-off (at the beginning of the second roll) is a scene that comes out of Edna from the mission along with the pastor and his assistant.
-The film is also cut at the point where Eric Campbell returns home to his wife: the doormat had remained glued to the feet and is also the reason why he was so nervous with his wife.

Notes: From an archivist was found in a copy Pathé 9.5 mm containing different camera angles start to finish. It also contains the last close-up of Eric Campbell asphyxiated previously mentioned and the next gag Charlie. The other variants that I have written before-tracked in other copies, are absent in this one.

Among the many survivors of out-takes of the film, not as numerous as those of other Mutuals segnalo:
- Charlie and Edna are inside the house Loyal Underwood with his wife and children. Charlie steals the policeman before the sausages with a hook and rope and then other foods by the seller in the house and Edna seems happy. (The scene was discarded because Edna probably would not have been happy if Charlie had stolen).
This scene also appears in the variation of the wife of Campbell who buys fruit and vegetables, while Charlie fed fish from above the window. The camera is mounted about half way to a corner of the building.
-A variation of the arrival scene in the mission, with some throat lozenges to retrieve voice, Charlie begins to whistle while the drunk sings. At the end of the stage sit Charlie and everyone applauds. A scene-
discarded, in which Chaplin does not appear. There is a bar with tables and two people playing cards. The bartender smiles behind the counter. A group of men enter from the right and beat everyone except the bartender.

The RAI is full version, except the opening and the final, shortened a few seconds, and I accept the coverage of the captions that sometimes "steal" space in some frames.


edition IMAGE is equal in all respects to that ERMITAGE (even if accompanied by Carl Davis is an entirely different caliber), but corrects the senseless repetition of the same scene that place in the sauna when John Rand gets burned on a radiator.

The Cure was still found by an American collector a copy in English that despite 9.5mm is cut in several places and reduced to its mere length of a roll, contains material not found in other copies of this film. It 's a further demonstration that jumped out if other versions of this nature on other courts, we realize how really any comic Mutual is nothing but the result of a shortening made by Chaplin but not by the companies which have developed hands on the film after the Mutual has sold the rights.
I try to summarize what would be obtained if the Image Entertainment edition Output in 2006 had incorporated the missing pieces of 9.5mm UK:
-Shortly after the beginning of the film, Charlie Campbell and Eric are trapped in the revolving door. Here are missing about three seconds, shot in close-up of Charlie squirms and pushes the door again.
-A few minutes later, the scene of Albert Austin accompanying Charlie out of his room is shortened by a few seconds.
-When Charlie discovers the drunken porter in his room by striking him out with a football. The recovery of the bellboy walking drunk in the lobby is longer than about two seconds as now appears in the film.
-cut much larger (almost ten seconds) occurs when Albert throws Austin Charlie away all the bottles out the window and they end up in the well. The bottles are so many and there are more shots of Austin that throws down and those who end up in the water unpolluted. Edition of diffused, as do we understand it to Austin empty all the cash in so little time.
-After Charlie gets wet in the pool surface is a resumption of the three ladies who are sitting outside and drinking well water. Missing a few seconds here because all the ladies fill their cup and not only one of them. In the next scene-
are absent about two seconds at a time when Charlie sits waiting for the massage of the other early Henry Bergman clients, massage is rather shorter (a total of six or seven seconds, scattered in various parts of the scene) and without another close-up of Charlie surprised by the vehemence of the massager. After-
intertitles "water has a strange effect, there are six seconds of film that were cut in the common editions. The two ladies that Charlie will meet in the next scene become tipsy and this fact is noted because it starts to falter when they get up from the bench, heading towards the hotel in long shot. Charlie comes out
-down menu and note the two lovers, sitting: when you put the hat he expands his eyes in amazement. This is not the only first floor of Charlie in the scene. There was another cut, which he shakes his head in bewilderment. A follow-
there is the scene of the rescue of Edna. Charlie gets rid of the two and walks out to the courtyard along with Edna. Huge cut, something like 12 seconds there is a shot of the lobby where all the customers drunk and dancing scene from Charlie and Edna who come to the bench.
-Towards the end of the film, after the intertitles "The next morning, Charlie usual edition appears in the opening fade. In fact, the sequence begins with Eric Campbell sat down and suffering more than ever and with a close-up of two women dying for a hangover. For close-
to report another small cut on a shot of the ladies after Charlie has passed the ice on the forehead. Two seconds more blown away.

The Cure have survived a large number of scraps, discarded or entire sequences of the same scene several times. Part of what has been included in UNKNOWN CHAPLIN, another part remains unpublished in the archives of the British Film Institute. The RAI

copy of The Cure (entitled "Charlot and CARE") complies with the copies in circulation, therefore, can be defined as complete nell'accezione relative term.


THE IMMIGRANT reported the same as always. The edition ERMITAGE is the same. This is one of the biggest disappointments of the box IMAGE. Several minutes

-tracked in multiple copies in the world-are missing in this film. Let's start with what seems to be lost forever. Please read the original copyright (dated July 1917) it is aware of this scene in the version released in theaters at that time. And 'situated immediately after the meeting with the Russian emigrant (Albert Austin) who suffers from seasickness. Charlie walks away from him in disgust. It happens near him a young man who despite the roll continues to eat pork. Frightening because a strong shock wave and the young man comes to the sick. The mother helps in the process of rejecting food, but Charlie makes it more or less because the cost is in its path. Also avoid this obstacle, but once again finds himself having to deal with the Russian immigrant and his travails. The scenes just described not seem to survive in any copy.
E 'instead traced to some source the next stage yet: Charlie goes away again and this time it happens next to the tiny passenger Loyal Underwood, who was also struggling with seasickness and his fat wife, played by Henry Bergman in a of his female disguise. Glenn Mitchell talks about this scene in his "Chaplin Encyclopedia", arguing it's viewed in "Chaplin SuperClown" of the BBC.
bothered once the copyright of the film, there comes a description of an additional scene that was cut off from the copies available: the scene immediately after the meal and meeting with Edna, Charlie watches her and then covers her mouth because of impending nausea. The remaining copies then cuts immediately to the scene of playing cards. In the copyright instead pointed out that Charlie is going to get some fresh air on deck to broad, a little 'as it did at the beginning of the film.
back instead to the material that could be reinserted into the box IMAGE taken from untraceable sources, which unfortunately has not been done points out: During the scene of the
-poker Frank J. Coleman leaves for rob Edna. E 'was cut off this footage: Loyal Underwood is bent on itself because it tries to tie his shoes and the Coleman kicks off disrespectful. After making the theft Coleman goes back to his area but this time the poor man is scared away looking for a little 'air (perhaps to a vent pipe).
-All 'sequence in the interior of the restaurant there is another small cut, when Charlie is working to look under the sole currency which has just covered with his shoe. Shortly after there is something
-second. Charlie laughs to Eric Campbell, but seriously as soon as they turn back toward him.
said that, it's required added that the European version of the film (daughters of the first issue of '17 of course), there are several different camera angles and shots narrative scenes of mass.

UNKNOWN CHAPLIN devotes a large part of the first episode to the genesis of this short film. Many differences are proposed to explain how he arrived at the Chaplin films made as it was distributed. Many more of these scraps (they are really a flood) may be published if the BFI wanted to, as for the other shorts. In "CHAPLIN'S GOLIATH" is already a very nice treat not present UNKNOWN CHAPLIN: Charlie, Edna and Eric Campbell burst out laughing during the filming of a scenes highlight of the restaurant.

The copy of THE IMMIGRANT RAI is equal (in content) than the standard circulating via home video and television circuits. So "full", although as we have seen it is really to say.


ERMITAGE and IMAGE-except the musical accompaniment-are identical. On

THE ADVENTURER survived a huge number of scraps, many of which are still not made public. UNKNOWN CHAPLIN, however, contains the most significant ones, devoting much space to this film. Moreover, even

THE ADVENTURER, like all other comic Mutual, is not the same as today as it was during the time of its release in theaters. For example, it may be that the entire sequence of the English dancer, present and reconstructed with the out-takes in UNKNOWN CHAPLIN, was present in the original version of the film, cut in 1919 by CLARK CORNELIUS, as a poster stated that these issues the film was remounted retitration (captions).

version RAI is complete, although the sign "you are looking for the escapee is with us" (the point where Eric Campbell called the police) should be inserted before and can be confusing to viewers.

I apologize for any errors or inaccuracies. If there are new reports or clarifications, please write to or contact us via the website / forum on
Thank you for your cooperation.

Copyright © 2011 by Lorenzo jitters

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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THE BIG BOOK OF PEANUTS.Tutte strips of the 50s-CM Schulz

In the end, the beginning. We end with the bands of the '50s chronological collection of the complete works of Schulz. The let tor and will see the first steps of the good old Charlie Brown, when still was not as complex, but they are already posed some existential problem: when asked if he would like to be Abraham Lincoln replied that he had enough trouble to be a Charlie Brown.'ll see when Snoopy was just a puppy barking and still does not see its versatility, the thousand ru oils escape the imagination of its kind dog. The ncontrerà for the first and only time the red-haired girl Charlie Brown for which he longed for fifty years, and characters that disappear with time : Violet, Patty, Frida, Shermy.

Usually, when goes a bit 'of time between a post and the other on this blog, or it is because I do not want to read (see review of The Reader), or I'm reading a boring book that I did not take, or because I am dedicated to reading of comics. In this case both are true the last two hypotheses. I'm struggling behind a book, I never want to read. At that point I decided to pull down from my book shelf of all the Peanuts strips from the 50s and reread.
I love Peanuts, even to the point of making us the degree thesis at the University. I love the way that these children have to see and tackling the big issues of life. I like their spontaneity and their frankness. I love co I can embody, in various characters, all the insecurities and fears of the people of this world. I read almost daily Peanuts strips catkins from q hen I was 13 years old and I grew up with them and I dealt with the events that life has put me in front. There is a strip of Pean uts for every occasion and every mood . For when we feel a bit 'Charlie Brown, isolated and hated by all in spite of our great heart. For when we feel Lucy (my favorite), unrequited love, cantankerous and unpredictable, too direct and honest, but deep down adorable. For when we feel Linus, have a great security when we falter in our private pool. For when we Peppermint Patty and Marcie, a sports nerd and the other. For when we W oodstock or Sally.
And then, well, then there's him, there Snoopy ... the beagle we all want to have.
So it is impossible not to love Peanut if not re manere stunned by the genius of their author, Schulz, who for fifty years has invented a strip every day for readers around the world, until had more strength to do so.

This volume collects all strips of the '50s. It is very impressive to see the characters in their early stages: a Charlie Brown less insecure in the early years, which gradually develops in many of the ato
its current features. Schroeder a newborn, when for the first time began to play his toy piano. Lucy from tiny, proud to get every year, the 'troublemaker No 1 ". And then the arrival of Linus and the beginning of his love for the deck. And yet the arrival of Sally and the presence of people like Patty, and Violet Shermy for years to disappear.
The most impressive of all is Snoopy, who in the early years is "only" a dog. He walks on all fours, does not speak and would indicate any of the properties that will develop over time. It will start to become the Snoopy that we all know only when he rises up and express his emotions.
But even so, the Peanuts are beautiful, even so acer bi and immature, because their talent is already there from the strip Oct. 2, 1950.
Read them, absolutely!

translation Note: ok, here I copy and paste my thesis, but I do not think you'll want to read 140 pages ... Some notes indispensable, but dampens the irony of the strips, but perhaps due to some questionable adaptation. In the original language is something else entirely. But even so, they deserve a lot.

PS: As always, click on images to enlarge

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wording For Wedding Congrats

The kidnapping Boswall

Let me point this nice review of The Kidnapping Boswall published on English .
About me: "There Are Some really nice illustrations by Ariane Operamolla, who uses a muted color palette Rather to great effect, as if the colors follow the mood of the adventure."
("There are some really beautiful pictures taken by Arianna Operamolla, which uses a palette of soft colors with a great effect, as if the colors were to follow the moods narrated).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Does Homemade Bread Taste Yeasty

The reader-Francois Annie

A little book for people who love books, for whom, even before its content, like the object itself. Annie Francois analyze all the possible pleasures - from the tactile to the smell - as well as aspects - the texture of the paper, the cover, the flap - related to the book. He knows, and feeds, the obsessions of the reader "bulimic": the fear of spoil, loan, ruining if borrowed, the ritual tearing of the choice of books to take on holiday, the drama of having to throw some for reasons of space . Then we discover that others, handling and reading a book, living emotions similar to ours, that readers be gives us a sense of belonging, makes us feel less alone in the world.

Have you ever stopped a moment to think about all the "mania" and the habits you have when you read a book? I hate to do such as the ears in the corner, write notes or highlight pages. I read almost anywhere. I can not go on holiday without one or two (or three or four, depending on where you go and how long the vacation) books in your suitcase. I love to advise and give or lend books that I loved very much (that satisfaction when you say "give me the book he lent me / recommended / gift). I do not have big problems to borrow books from friends or library, although often then after a while ', taking advantage of some discount, buy a book that I loved very much to have him and when I reread it.
Annie Francoise in this little booklet, which all lovers of reading should read, tells us about his literary obsessions. And I must admit that in some beautiful and is easy to recognize. I also have such a kind as the author's passion for dictionaries (I would buy all the time). I, like you, I have problems of space and when I start to have other books stacked on shelves because I run out. Even I, as he tells us in "Neurasthenia," I understand that they are depressed by how much I want to read: if I'm bad bad bad, not even a book has the ability to retire on (maybe some comics). And I, like you, I recognize almost all the symptoms of the "Pathology of the Reader": back pain for reading in the most strange, deafness when they are immersed in a book (usually interrupts me then the smell of burned or my mom yelling), insomnia and dark if I'm reading something that is impossible to detach, emotional changes sindrmi typical of pre-menstrual and / or menopause, although they are not in either of the two phases ... I could go on hours ... And I'm sure many readers of this blog prove exactly the same things.

Read it, and if you had any doubt of being alone, now you know that when you have between the a book I was never alone.

Note to the translation: some notes required, since these different cultural references to France. But do not disturb too much.

For a reader, even modest, the disaffection is a sign reading: "I do not even want to read more" means that you have reached the bottom of depression, fatigue, pain.

Why, before the reading, not only citizens are not equal, men and women no longer divided, but the individual himself does not react the same way. The book can be savory or indigestible the reader hungry or satiated. His appetite will vary depending on his temperament, but also the seasons, circumstances, places the company, peace, noise, lack, abundance, love, hate. He follows the movements and mood of the heart, the fluctuations of the moral and physical.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch Brent Corrigan Film Trailer Free

Reviewed By popular demand ...

... the cover illustration for The Time Capsule (Helbling Languages).
I would also like to thank all those who were present for the opening night or have Comics visited the collective Desk during the following weeks.
We hope to organize as soon as something new!

Fox Riders Co Iphone Case


A young father struggling with a boring dissertation, a trader in the process of bankruptcy, a beautiful girl with moral ground by married lover, a nearly -almost-retired evicted from his wife, a mom tired of feeding their children and need to feed your mind: for all of them, spend crumpled night out can only be healthy. The public library promotes reading club, and here a motley group of characters in search of fun "turns into an unlikely but wonderful community. With extraordinary lightness and humor, Julie Highmore weaves a comedy about men and women passionate about books and characters of guotidiano, where the literary circle becomes a real alternative to group therapy and where everyone's life turns out to be much better than a movie.

The first thing you have to say about this novel is "congratulations to those who chose the Italian title" ... certainly responsible for the sale of a lot 'of copies of this book. Too bad then you open the cover and read the original "Pure Fiction" (actually much more suited to the plot) and especially of books that they appear so, but just a few (and apart from those of Tyler which I have already read, I felt like reading any of the others).
The books are really a gimmick to tell the story of this group of people who know each other by participating in the same reading group and whose lives are linked and intertwined in a more or less funny, or profound scontantata to point to stand together to avenge one of its members.
There are a lot of main characters, but none that I have conquered so much. And there, frustrated writer and home, which initially seems adorable but then at least for me it becomes irritating. There's Kate, a restorer with a rebellious daughter. We are Zoe and Donna, which will end with the same man and that together we avenge. We are Bob and Browen, the more sedate of the group, and the obnoxious and pedantic Gideon. In short, many people but in my opinion not as well done (much better than the minor characters). And the plot, cute, funny at times too, but with the gimmick of the initial reading club, could come up with something much better. And the style of the author, at times a bit 'confused, does not help ...
A book on the beach or by train without pretentious (because if he had, surely disappoint), which is good to spend a few hours ... But you can not read it.

translation Note: apart from the title, nothing to say

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Bonds (Il Sole 24 Ore)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rabbit Hutchfree Blueprints

VERSION Mordecai Richler-Barney

He arrived in a late, bigmouth, quarrelsome age, Barney Panofsky picks up the pen to defend themselves from the charge of murder , and other calumnies equally unfortunate, released by his arch-nemesis Terry McIver. Thus, among four fingers of whiskey and a breath of Monte Cristo, Barney recounts the life happily dissipated and deeply unfair that the Jewish Quarter of Montreal took him in Paris of early fifties and then again in Canada, to turn ideas in youth raked in "sitcom" very popular and so profitable.

If I had to explain why it took me so long to read this novel (almost two weeks, something that happens very rarely), I do not know what to say. The book is not written badly, in fact. When you start to read a chapter, then rushes in to the eyes and you realize the skill and ingenuity of the author. But boh, I read a chapter and then leaves him there, I was willing to continue. E 'was difficult to get past the first 150 pages, where you do not understand almost anything. Barney Panofsky, sdi third-rate soap opera television producer, decided to write his autobiography, his "version", in response to what is narrated by his enemy and rival, with whom he shared a past as a young man a bit 'bohemian.
Yet even when we enter the narrative logic of Barney, or put together many anecdotes, sometimes separated from each other, to tell his life, divided on the basis of his three marriages, the desire to abandon it several times it becomes very strong.

stems mainly from the feelings that I think Barney arouses in the reader. Either you hate or love. And to me, basically, is obnoxious. To the point that even his most entertaining anecdotes (ie those related to his marriage with his second wife, or those of his father) left me almost indifferent.
But I repeat, the book is well written and flows well read, so I did not feel in the least discouraged. Also because the last five lines of the novel, but those not written by Barney's son who worked to collect and treat the autobiography, are among the most ingenious and disturbing I have ever read. And the book is worth just for them.

Note to the translation: I do not know, I do not like the translations Adelphi. I do not like the glossary at the end, I do not like the lyrics of the songs left in their original language (or perhaps simply because the French do not understand it) and I do not like certain translation choices. In short, the rivedrei.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get More Club Nintendo Coins

Promotional messages

I do not want my readers if I use, for the first time since it was created this blog for non-literary but advertising (quiet, I will not try to sell you a vacuum cleaner).

E 'I made a promise to a dear friend. If your blog will exceed the 1000 visits, you can pluck a nice post by the advertising of The Prancing Reader (if this is an honor or not, can not establish with certainty ...)
So because the promise is best to maintain them and, above all, the 1000 visits we truly arrive, here I am.

So ... ladies and gentlemen, loyal readers and readers of The Prancing Reader click the link below and go to all the fantastic blog, "Good morning shit." (Not bad, not, as advertising?)

Okay, I admit, I do not do just to keep a promise (and because even occasionally appears on that blog some of my contribution) (and no, they are not even paid).

publicized it because I think it's really brilliant. Because I give voice to the thoughts of many (who does not use.The .. Ever open the newspaper early in the morning and then want to respond to some "good morning" with a "hello shit ... but do not see how the world is heading?"). Because I believe that the word (seasoned with a healthy dose of cynicism) is an effective weapon against the crap that surrounds us, and that too gooders will get us nowhere. And because I believe that there should be someone who makes us see once again how ridiculous it is all that we are living (ok, I point we have hardly noticed by themselves, but there is someone better, one more, to repeat).

short, publicized it because he deserves it and because I hope that someone, after having been here, has want to read, follow, share, and wish everyone a nice Hello shit.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nationality Breast Size


Modern Musketeers in a beat up pickup truck, four friends in crisis maturity embark on an unlikely journey to snatch a little 'time of existence and to reaffirm its desire for rebellion and fun. Solo, twenty-seven oppressed by parents too perfect and the memory of an ex who is about to get married; Blass, fat and clumsy, to lash a search for love, Claudio, Tombeur de femmes who lives only for his friendship, Raul, precipitated S & M fantasies in a quiet family menage twins with dependents. A van second-hand odor of cheese, the four decide to indulge in August by a lion, illusory compensation from everyday life. From Madrid to Valencia from Zaragoza to Madrid again, through a trail of fights, drinking, broken hearts and hasty embrace, strengthen their friendship in a late-late teens. A kaleidoscope of adventures, a novel acid and melancholy that the pace of the best movies.

Having read and adored "Open all night", it seemed unthinkable not to read this other book by David Trueba, sure that I would be confronted with another masterpiece.
And partly, it certainly is, although completely different from the first novel. Four Friends, on the threshold of thirty years, decided to leave for two weeks holiday adventure on an old van that smells of cheese. "The long journey to the Pussy", "Journey to the Center of the thighs," "around the ass in Eighty Days," "Twenty Thousand Leagues subnormal ... plausible are the titles for their adventure. But what actually is missing, or "escape from the failures, fears and problems" afflicting so differently and with different results each of the protagonists. There Raúl, SM enthusiast, who finds himself married with twins and small, profound and constant struggle between his desire to have fun and a sense of family which was swept away. There Blass, fat too good and naive that it is precisely because of its goodness is destined to remain forever the best friend any girl he meets, there's Claudio, perhaps the most enterprising of the four, "scopavecchie and lover animals. And then there's only (yes, like that of Star Wars), voice and heart of the whole affair. Choked full of expectations from their parents against him, restless spirit, which still does not know what he wants from his life. And most of all love, still in love with Barbara, who is about to marry a man who is the opposite of him. A travel adventure, searching for themselves in the company of the only people who can really bear: friends.
The book follows the adventures of these four boys on holiday, including colorful characters, fucked hasty achievements impossible and incredible bad luck, going to tourist sites, beaches and abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere, and ends at the feast of the marriage of Barbara .

Trueba's style I like, I like his humor, his good dose of cynicism (perhaps a little excessive at times, but still acceptable) and its characterization of the characters and situations. And it is beautiful the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling with old friends (who all, at least once in their life, I'm sure we did), despite putting up the the numerous defects and phobias. And there are so many phrases that I have been in this novel (one more beautiful than the quotes from "Written on napkins at the end of each chapter).
But a flaw has it. We talk and it really gets too much sex ... some mention cheaper, and some less explicit scene and the book might have been even more appreciated.
It remains a book I recommend.

Note to the translation: not bad. A few notes, but perhaps essential for those who are not or do not know English.

"It 's curious, people are able to change their breasts, nose, lips, but no would think of changing the brain. Almost all could improve it, and instead the brain continues to keep the deception, making us believe that we can not have a better one. E 'overrated organ, without a shadow of doubt "

" When you get a kiss on the cheek by a woman who kissed a thousand times on the lips, you know you lost your place in his heart "

" We are saws that can be slapped as well as slapping that seem to kiss "

" Fail as fast as you can, so you'll have time in life to take back "

" His friends believe that love you is to accept as you are: you're right, all right, when you really need someone to scream that you're wrong, you have to change. "

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Kh2 How Do You Keep The Medallion

Desk Comics

We look forward to tomorrow night for the opening at the art gallery of contemporary GlobalArt Noicattaro (BA).
The exhibition will be open to the public until February 27.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Size Your Dog To A Halti Dog Collar


The first time I saw Zlatan Ajkun is kidnapped by the swaying of her tresses that "stretch almost touching the ground." Do not know yet that that child will become so central in his life. They grow together in Pristina, in the same house, although he is Serbian and Kosovar her Albanian. Their fathers, and Milos Besor, share a passion for medicine and the poetry of Charles Simic. Their mother, Slavica and Donika, fight over how to make canned peppers and details of some ballads, the common heritage of the peoples of the Balkans. But Kosovo, where for centuries these people have lived in the late nineties bleeds. It is yet another wound to the heart of Europe, the Balkans. Between New Year's Eve fireworks and the shooting of the guerrillas, and Zlatan Ajkun promise eternal love "as just two guys can promise." But history separates them: conscript him, she displaced. Ajkun is found in Switzerland, where Sarah gives birth. Zlatan ends in Italy, where he meets Ines. A tiny girl, with hair that falls on the shoulders. Just as Ajkun. In an alternate installation, the novel follows the lives of the two protagonists, their chase and tap, and perhaps lost. Along the way, tangled in a babel of languages, and Zlatan Ajkun crossing a small crowd of characters in intense, real, with their wealth of stories to follow.

I just closed the book and I already know I will miss him. I've eaten in a few hours, so beautiful and compelling story is narrated. A hard, sad, suffering but also of love. The suffering that war can only give a recent war between Serbs and Albanians, which leaves deep tears in everyone's life. And love, the deep and intense that binds two children growing up together that are protected and that would be destined to be together. It 's the story of a promise of love, which should be more stronger than everything. But the war does not make allowances. Bursts into life, making refugees and constricting to separate. It just so happens the two players: Zlatan in Italy falls in love again, you rebuild a life, but always with a piece of heart is missing. One dedicated to Ajkun, including refugee policy, with an even more terrible history behind it, to all women victims of the army. But both started to live again, become more and grow and change so that when the much-needed meeting hard to recognize. And then there's Ines, there are Sarah and Jacqueline, and there are mainly the parents of two boys, their past so terribly similar to that of their children.
It 'book incredible. A love story (perhaps a bit exaggerated at the end), but also a history of war. A story that deeply touched and that you take, perhaps because it speaks of a recent past, a past that we all read in the newspapers.
Read, absolutely.

"I know nothing, no one knows when he falls in love. Fuck you!"

"They were beaten, yes, but everyone beat. Some use words, others by hand. And others silent. "

" certain dreams are already difficult to dream on behalf own, let alone two "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pinky Getting Toes Sucked

ACCABADORA-Michela Murgia

Why is Maria ended up living in the house of Bonaria Urra, Soren is a mystery that it is hard to understand. The old and the girl walking the streets of the country followed by a trail of malicious comments, yet it is so easy Tzia Bonaria took Mary with him, will make it grow and will make his heir, asking in exchange for the presence and care for when you need it to her. Fourth daughter of his widowed mother, Mary is accustomed to think, her first, as the last. " For this continues to amaze the respect and attention of the country's old seamstress, who offered her a home and a future, but above all let live and do not seem to want anything for him. "Suddenly it was as if it were always like fili'e soul and soul, a less guilty of being a mother and daughter." Yet there is something in this old, dressed in black and in his long silences, there is the mysterious aura that accompanies it, along with the shadow of fear going on in the eye of the encounters. There are nights out that Mary listens but does not understand, and an almost millennial wisdom concerning the things of life and death. What I know is that Mary did not imagine is that Tzia Bonaria Urra sews clothes and comforts the soul, he knows the charms and bills, but when you need to be ready to go homes to bring a merciful death. His is the final dell'accabadora and loving gesture, the last mother.

If the book ended about halfway through, this comment would be reduced simply to "gorgeous" or "masterpiece", it would be difficult to find other words to describe the story told and the way in which the author manages to bring us all ' inside of the story, that''50 years of Sardinian village where you play the story of Mary and her "adoptive mother". What a beautiful relationship between the two, which is abruptly interrupted when she discovers that the woman with whom he lives is a 'accabadora ", the one who ends up ... or the one that 'a boost to fate with the people now in the process of dying. Beautiful now, beautiful, poetic and realistic descriptions (I love the novels "realists") and the plot can not catch you.
But then, when Mary discovers this secret and can not accept it, he decided to go to Turin to act as nanny. And here the writer is lost. The novel is too hasty, as if he wanted to add something without quite knowing how to write. Too bad, because this part is very beautiful and interesting, if it were not so dismissive.
The finish, well, obvious, of course, but also the only truly possible.

Worth still much to be read. And this Italian author certainly has a great talent.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fasion Tv Mid Night Hot

Mr. and Mrs. Drew, the anxieties grow back double. Short

Slapsticon is presented annually to a comic in this series of Vitagraph.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew was a popular comedy serials, in that each film had the same characters of the protagonists husband and wife.
Sidney Drew had a wife with whom he had previously worked in vaudeville, but was the second wife, a screenwriter (Lucille McVey) who started the series. I was twenty two years apart. Loaded properly, do not seem to father and daughter. In fact, pack very interesting comedies that make me think of some TV show today, or better than the troglodytes 80s. The difference is that with Drew before us the original. I like the originality with which deal with pressing issues.
I saw a movie, A FLORIDA ENCHANTMENT, in which a woman takes a pill that gradually transforms into a man. E 'in 1914, guys. However, there is the series with the McVey, who will begin a few years later.
These plays are not up to turn those few years before by John Bunny and Flora Finch, but it is a great pity that they have been forgotten.
Sidney Drew gave the screenplay and co-directed by McVey, who graciously consented. Moreover the husband-father died in 1919 and she continued her career as a writer, although his life was rather short.
A memory of one of the most hilarious comedy Goodness Gracious wives remember Drew MOVIES AS THEY OR THE PROFESSIONAL and Should not Be PATIENT. This year he plans
SLAPSTICON HER Anniversaries, 1917.
As for DVD is available now on FOX-TROT FINESSE just came out with the Slapstick Encyclopedia, also out of print, turn up your ass and come to see as they pass Slapsticon the anniversaries of these gentlemen.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tibia Premium Days Pay By Phone

Trainspotting-Irvine Welsh

A handful of children in Edinburgh and surrounding areas: sex, the buzz, the anger, the emptiness of the days. They are the damned hell of a modern "chemical" with their lives and frayed with no escape. Looking for a ransom, a meaning to their existence - which is not a dead end because of home, family and ordinary use - in drugs and violence are the only possible answer. Flattened, furious, overwhelming: the debut of a literary talent, the novel shock that made history and gave voice to a new generation.

reach the second chapter of this book, on the verge of vomiting, I was tempted, tentatissima, leave it. In short, says three pages more profanity than I've ever known in my entire life (and am not a person I just fine) and the cruelty and realism with which he describes certain scenes, from sex to shoot up, is so strong to almost evil.
But then I wanted to continue, a bit 'worse than it perhaps because I was reading the second chapter I could not stay, a little' because so many I have talked about this book as a small cult. Violent, crude, a punch in the stomach. But a cult which should be read. And indeed, once completed (in much less time than I thought), there are several things that I have left. Despair of this group of toxic, a hopelessness that perhaps even they realize. The power that the heroin on who uses it. And even as HIV and devours you inside. The evil that is trying to detoxify test.
All described in a direct, no discounts and no uncertain terms. A foul-mouthed language, sex, violence, needle entering the vein and allow these guys to survive in the world. All this Welsh describes in this novel. More than a novel, we are faced with a collection of episodes that follow (and not always, at least for me, it was clear the logic), with different players taking turns at narration (who take drugs and just , who tries in vain to detoxify, who became ill through no fault of his own and seeks revenge).
E 'a punch in the stomach, and certain chapters for me were a bit' too excessive (I think it's really the first time a book makes me almost come to vomit). Yet, I realize the "beauty" of this novel. Of the desperation that is encased.
certainly not to read if you are depressed or if you are trying to detox because sometimes you can almost be like taking drugs. But for everyone else, if you are easily impressionable and able to overcome the sense that certain scenes are, it is to read.

Note to translation: the translator would need a good review the subjunctive ...

"Choose life. Choose a mortgage to pay, the washing machine, the machine you choose to just stand sitting on a couch watching the toys on television, to destroy the brain and soul, to fill your belly filth that poisons you. Choose rotting away in a hospice, and pissed under cacandoti, fuck, to the delight of those fucking assholes and selfish that you put in the world. Choose life.
Well, I will choose not to choose life. And if the balls do not know how to take it, something like that, well, fuck it, the problem is theirs, not mine. "

Friday, January 28, 2011

Spanish Brizilian Wax

Au \u200b\u200bbar de l'hotel des Trois Faisans

Is it not true that "anyone who makes it, expect it"?
These three gentlemen will know just out of the bar ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fast Food Grease Burns


A Pereira, Colombia, where the houses have stained sheets instead of curtains and the gardens of the neighborhood gather every evening hot gossip and confidences, three girls are beautiful and ambitious to change your life. Thanks to their "agent" Yesica, a tireless organizer of amorous encounters, entered, even fifteen, in the glittering world of partying and drug traffickers, drug lords and the rich of the city. While protected Yesica spend nights in the fabulous monumental villas of the bosses, Catalina is a bystander. Sees them coming home at dawn aboard a luxury big cars, tottering on high heels, loaded with money, gifts and stories. She touches Albeiro Instead, the boyfriend so loving but penniless, which gives her teddy bears for years and waited patiently for her to lend her virginity. But the opportunity to enter the fair comes around for her: pity that El Titi, trafficker on the rise by immoderate sexual appetites, the much prefer a girl with bigger breasts. Thus Catalina discovers the secret of another's happiness: a nice pair of tits silicone strips it off the heads of the richest and most dangerous criminals in circulation. Determined to find the money for surgery that will change her life and cleavage, the former good girl will face all sorts of misadventures before relying on dubious treatments Mauricio Contento, the man in whose hands gone are the noses, buttocks and breasts the whole jet-set in Bogota.

The first thing that caught my attention and pushed me to want to read this book is the title. Yes, because if I wanted to understand what could hide behind a title like that, as defined, imaginative, provocative and direct. Then of course I also read the story and I understand that this book was to be my (and the cover, citing a friend of mine by the way, is a "marketing fail" ... in fact none of those who would be attracted to these two boobs silicon on top, I fear appreciate the true meaning of this novel).
A novel about the narcos sudarmericani and dreams of many poor girls who live in provincial towns. Do not study and become good wives and mothers. But being a drug dealer boyfriend who maintains them and pay them all the plastic surgery they want. And this will be the end of the life of Catalina, born with the misfortune of having small breasts, and then not going to find a rich lover. E 'willing to do anything to rebuild the breast and can then live a life of ease and waste. It matters little if you have only 15 years and a boyfriend who loves but who does not understand his dream. It matters little whether to get silicone in her tits and prostitution should go to bed with Hideous Men much older than her.
violent criticism that is Gustavo Bolivar Moreno. To the powerful that they destroy the dreams of little girls poor, too naive and too eager to get out of poverty to become aware of the squalor and meanness of it all. And Catalina is just one of many victims, the dream of a paradise that you can only have with her tits.

Forgive me, but I can not resist making a comparison with the current Italian situation, where sex and power and appearance are now going hand in hand for months, where the dreams of many girls (not all thankfully) go hand in hand with the bursting of their physical appearance and who are willing to make compromises just to reach their goals. (Come on up, I could go much heavier).

be read anyway!

Note to the translation: not bad I would say!