Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Does Homemade Bread Taste Yeasty

The reader-Francois Annie

A little book for people who love books, for whom, even before its content, like the object itself. Annie Francois analyze all the possible pleasures - from the tactile to the smell - as well as aspects - the texture of the paper, the cover, the flap - related to the book. He knows, and feeds, the obsessions of the reader "bulimic": the fear of spoil, loan, ruining if borrowed, the ritual tearing of the choice of books to take on holiday, the drama of having to throw some for reasons of space . Then we discover that others, handling and reading a book, living emotions similar to ours, that readers be gives us a sense of belonging, makes us feel less alone in the world.

Have you ever stopped a moment to think about all the "mania" and the habits you have when you read a book? I hate to do such as the ears in the corner, write notes or highlight pages. I read almost anywhere. I can not go on holiday without one or two (or three or four, depending on where you go and how long the vacation) books in your suitcase. I love to advise and give or lend books that I loved very much (that satisfaction when you say "give me the book he lent me / recommended / gift). I do not have big problems to borrow books from friends or library, although often then after a while ', taking advantage of some discount, buy a book that I loved very much to have him and when I reread it.
Annie Francoise in this little booklet, which all lovers of reading should read, tells us about his literary obsessions. And I must admit that in some beautiful and is easy to recognize. I also have such a kind as the author's passion for dictionaries (I would buy all the time). I, like you, I have problems of space and when I start to have other books stacked on shelves because I run out. Even I, as he tells us in "Neurasthenia," I understand that they are depressed by how much I want to read: if I'm bad bad bad, not even a book has the ability to retire on (maybe some comics). And I, like you, I recognize almost all the symptoms of the "Pathology of the Reader": back pain for reading in the most strange, deafness when they are immersed in a book (usually interrupts me then the smell of burned or my mom yelling), insomnia and dark if I'm reading something that is impossible to detach, emotional changes sindrmi typical of pre-menstrual and / or menopause, although they are not in either of the two phases ... I could go on hours ... And I'm sure many readers of this blog prove exactly the same things.

Read it, and if you had any doubt of being alone, now you know that when you have between the a book I was never alone.

Note to the translation: some notes required, since these different cultural references to France. But do not disturb too much.

For a reader, even modest, the disaffection is a sign reading: "I do not even want to read more" means that you have reached the bottom of depression, fatigue, pain.

Why, before the reading, not only citizens are not equal, men and women no longer divided, but the individual himself does not react the same way. The book can be savory or indigestible the reader hungry or satiated. His appetite will vary depending on his temperament, but also the seasons, circumstances, places the company, peace, noise, lack, abundance, love, hate. He follows the movements and mood of the heart, the fluctuations of the moral and physical.


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