Monday, March 14, 2011

Pereira Antonio Tabucchi

Lisbon, one fateful August of 1938, the loneliness, dreams, consciousness of life and to choose, within the history. A great novel civil.

I waited too long to read this book. It was there waiting for me on the shelf for years without that I could ever want to read it. Maybe because I did not know what you're talking (a lot and I'm ashamed to admit it), or because all these years has never been time. Then a friend of mine, after seeing me in anxious to "do not know what to read," he told me to try. She too had been reluctant for years and then worshiped him. And then I am convinced.

This book is simply a masterpiece. You can not say much more. A historical novel and civil, which covers the beginning of perhaps one of the ugliest periods in world history. It does so in Lisbon in 1938, where news about English Civil War and the treatment of those who took sides with the Republicans were ignored and censored by radio and newspapers, and little information came by word of mouth. Will Pereira, a journalist of middle-aged, widowed and in poor health, which deals with the culture page a newspaper is not politically aligned, beginning to become aware and raise awareness at all of what is happening. To do so, he needs to know a Republican who accidentally enters her life and to which no apparent reason he will be devoted. Why, little by little they will understand the values \u200b\u200band ideals. And little by little you will understand that it can not pretend nothing happened, and as a journalist has a duty to tell and inform. Even at the cost of being the only one to do it, even at the cost of his own life.

I was almost in tears in the final chapter. A chapter that makes you realize how important the words are stronger than any shot and any attempt at censorship. Then
like today.
also very beautiful style, with this "Pereira claims" that recurs throughout the book. A little 'irritating perhaps at first, but absolutely brilliant with the passing of the pages.

If there you have it there for a while ', do not wait too read it. Because then you feel a bit 'stupid and a bit' guilty for having ignored for so long.

"The reasons of the heart are the most important, we must always follow the reasons of the heart, that the Ten Commandments do not say, but I can tell you, however you must stay with their eyes open in spite of everything, heart, yes, I am d 'agreement, but eyes open "

" Stop to attend the past, try to attend future "


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