Thursday, January 13, 2011

Make Your Husband Sissy


As I had previously done with Andy Capp, I decided to dedicate a post to my blog to another literary comics that I love and that often lately I'm reading: Sturmtruppen of the Bonvi.
for the first time I discovered this comic a decade ago, when I received a collection as a birthday gift. And since then, I loved. The
Sturmtruppen are nothing more than a parody of war and camp life of a group of German soldiers, who revolted in grotesque all common situations in which soldiers can be found when they are first in line but : shared latrines, fields mined to cross, the homesickness, the bombings and shootings, the wounded and the dead in battle. All told in a funny and humorous, to make more evident the absurdity of war in general. All'antimilitarismo a hymn that is based on irony, sometimes a little heavy and gruesome.
It 's almost impossible not to smile in front of these soldiers who have hallucinations after months and months of the guard, who obey any order ("Be happy! It 'an order! "-" Enough sob! It 'an order "-" No crazy "), who end up dropping into the pot of rations or latrinen, which hide the signs of the field minaten joke and you speak for the dead, recalling the good times that were (to say nothing of the passions sexual and shootings missed). And to make it even more fun and featuring the comic is spoken "TETESCHEN" of these soldiers and the reference to famous people of the Second World War.

Maybe it's not a comic for everyone, the more easily impressionable might have to say about the cartoons in which the soldiers died or were killed by snipers on exploding minefields or receive medals when of them has not been that torso and head. But the skill of Bonvi, which means that there is the slightest doubt about the value of his comic antimilitare (unlike, for example, to what happens with Mort Walker Beetle Bailey, which is a bit 'more ambiguous ) is the right to pass these things as normal and not as a tragedy.
Why are tragedies, but very often, because of the lust for power and conquest that only manage to give up arms, certain powerful if they forget.

the cartoons you see this lily ... but if you click on it get bigger!


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