Monday, January 31, 2011

Fasion Tv Mid Night Hot

Mr. and Mrs. Drew, the anxieties grow back double. Short

Slapsticon is presented annually to a comic in this series of Vitagraph.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew was a popular comedy serials, in that each film had the same characters of the protagonists husband and wife.
Sidney Drew had a wife with whom he had previously worked in vaudeville, but was the second wife, a screenwriter (Lucille McVey) who started the series. I was twenty two years apart. Loaded properly, do not seem to father and daughter. In fact, pack very interesting comedies that make me think of some TV show today, or better than the troglodytes 80s. The difference is that with Drew before us the original. I like the originality with which deal with pressing issues.
I saw a movie, A FLORIDA ENCHANTMENT, in which a woman takes a pill that gradually transforms into a man. E 'in 1914, guys. However, there is the series with the McVey, who will begin a few years later.
These plays are not up to turn those few years before by John Bunny and Flora Finch, but it is a great pity that they have been forgotten.
Sidney Drew gave the screenplay and co-directed by McVey, who graciously consented. Moreover the husband-father died in 1919 and she continued her career as a writer, although his life was rather short.
A memory of one of the most hilarious comedy Goodness Gracious wives remember Drew MOVIES AS THEY OR THE PROFESSIONAL and Should not Be PATIENT. This year he plans
SLAPSTICON HER Anniversaries, 1917.
As for DVD is available now on FOX-TROT FINESSE just came out with the Slapstick Encyclopedia, also out of print, turn up your ass and come to see as they pass Slapsticon the anniversaries of these gentlemen.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tibia Premium Days Pay By Phone

Trainspotting-Irvine Welsh

A handful of children in Edinburgh and surrounding areas: sex, the buzz, the anger, the emptiness of the days. They are the damned hell of a modern "chemical" with their lives and frayed with no escape. Looking for a ransom, a meaning to their existence - which is not a dead end because of home, family and ordinary use - in drugs and violence are the only possible answer. Flattened, furious, overwhelming: the debut of a literary talent, the novel shock that made history and gave voice to a new generation.

reach the second chapter of this book, on the verge of vomiting, I was tempted, tentatissima, leave it. In short, says three pages more profanity than I've ever known in my entire life (and am not a person I just fine) and the cruelty and realism with which he describes certain scenes, from sex to shoot up, is so strong to almost evil.
But then I wanted to continue, a bit 'worse than it perhaps because I was reading the second chapter I could not stay, a little' because so many I have talked about this book as a small cult. Violent, crude, a punch in the stomach. But a cult which should be read. And indeed, once completed (in much less time than I thought), there are several things that I have left. Despair of this group of toxic, a hopelessness that perhaps even they realize. The power that the heroin on who uses it. And even as HIV and devours you inside. The evil that is trying to detoxify test.
All described in a direct, no discounts and no uncertain terms. A foul-mouthed language, sex, violence, needle entering the vein and allow these guys to survive in the world. All this Welsh describes in this novel. More than a novel, we are faced with a collection of episodes that follow (and not always, at least for me, it was clear the logic), with different players taking turns at narration (who take drugs and just , who tries in vain to detoxify, who became ill through no fault of his own and seeks revenge).
E 'a punch in the stomach, and certain chapters for me were a bit' too excessive (I think it's really the first time a book makes me almost come to vomit). Yet, I realize the "beauty" of this novel. Of the desperation that is encased.
certainly not to read if you are depressed or if you are trying to detox because sometimes you can almost be like taking drugs. But for everyone else, if you are easily impressionable and able to overcome the sense that certain scenes are, it is to read.

Note to translation: the translator would need a good review the subjunctive ...

"Choose life. Choose a mortgage to pay, the washing machine, the machine you choose to just stand sitting on a couch watching the toys on television, to destroy the brain and soul, to fill your belly filth that poisons you. Choose rotting away in a hospice, and pissed under cacandoti, fuck, to the delight of those fucking assholes and selfish that you put in the world. Choose life.
Well, I will choose not to choose life. And if the balls do not know how to take it, something like that, well, fuck it, the problem is theirs, not mine. "

Friday, January 28, 2011

Spanish Brizilian Wax

Au \u200b\u200bbar de l'hotel des Trois Faisans

Is it not true that "anyone who makes it, expect it"?
These three gentlemen will know just out of the bar ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fast Food Grease Burns


A Pereira, Colombia, where the houses have stained sheets instead of curtains and the gardens of the neighborhood gather every evening hot gossip and confidences, three girls are beautiful and ambitious to change your life. Thanks to their "agent" Yesica, a tireless organizer of amorous encounters, entered, even fifteen, in the glittering world of partying and drug traffickers, drug lords and the rich of the city. While protected Yesica spend nights in the fabulous monumental villas of the bosses, Catalina is a bystander. Sees them coming home at dawn aboard a luxury big cars, tottering on high heels, loaded with money, gifts and stories. She touches Albeiro Instead, the boyfriend so loving but penniless, which gives her teddy bears for years and waited patiently for her to lend her virginity. But the opportunity to enter the fair comes around for her: pity that El Titi, trafficker on the rise by immoderate sexual appetites, the much prefer a girl with bigger breasts. Thus Catalina discovers the secret of another's happiness: a nice pair of tits silicone strips it off the heads of the richest and most dangerous criminals in circulation. Determined to find the money for surgery that will change her life and cleavage, the former good girl will face all sorts of misadventures before relying on dubious treatments Mauricio Contento, the man in whose hands gone are the noses, buttocks and breasts the whole jet-set in Bogota.

The first thing that caught my attention and pushed me to want to read this book is the title. Yes, because if I wanted to understand what could hide behind a title like that, as defined, imaginative, provocative and direct. Then of course I also read the story and I understand that this book was to be my (and the cover, citing a friend of mine by the way, is a "marketing fail" ... in fact none of those who would be attracted to these two boobs silicon on top, I fear appreciate the true meaning of this novel).
A novel about the narcos sudarmericani and dreams of many poor girls who live in provincial towns. Do not study and become good wives and mothers. But being a drug dealer boyfriend who maintains them and pay them all the plastic surgery they want. And this will be the end of the life of Catalina, born with the misfortune of having small breasts, and then not going to find a rich lover. E 'willing to do anything to rebuild the breast and can then live a life of ease and waste. It matters little if you have only 15 years and a boyfriend who loves but who does not understand his dream. It matters little whether to get silicone in her tits and prostitution should go to bed with Hideous Men much older than her.
violent criticism that is Gustavo Bolivar Moreno. To the powerful that they destroy the dreams of little girls poor, too naive and too eager to get out of poverty to become aware of the squalor and meanness of it all. And Catalina is just one of many victims, the dream of a paradise that you can only have with her tits.

Forgive me, but I can not resist making a comparison with the current Italian situation, where sex and power and appearance are now going hand in hand for months, where the dreams of many girls (not all thankfully) go hand in hand with the bursting of their physical appearance and who are willing to make compromises just to reach their goals. (Come on up, I could go much heavier).

be read anyway!

Note to the translation: not bad I would say!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starcraft 1996 Pop Up

IO E TE-Niccolo Ammaniti

Barricato hidden in the basement to spend all his ski, Lorenzo, a fourteen year old and a bit introverted 'neurotic, is preparing to live his dream of happiness solipsistic: no conflicts , no annoying classmates, nothing plays and fiction. The world with its incomprehensible rules out the door and he slumped on a couch, surrounded by Coca-Cola, cans of tuna and horror novels. Will Olivia, who suddenly falls in the bunker with his rough and poor vitality, to cross the shadow line to Lawrence, to make him throw the mask difficult teenager and accept the chaotic game of life out there. With this story Ammaniti training adds a new, excruciating end to the landscape that is unparalleled portrait of adolescence. It gives us a female figure with Olivia's fleeting and poignant beauty.

Just finished the book I thought to myself: "I look a bit 'goes to write the commentary, maybe it's one of those books that need a little time to leave you something."
But obviously it was not so. Even as I read it, conveyed the feeling that every page was "so what?" Or "all?". Yet it is all here. What would give us Ammaniti is not so much clear. And perhaps the thing that has affected most of this book are its dismal 110 pages. If he had more in-depth characters, and that self that you, who make up the title, maybe something would have been saved. Maybe something would remain. But talk of a child complexed and paranoid, isolated and have problems with relationships and drugged while the sister that goes to the basement where he went into hiding to try to detoxify in 110 pages ... well ... would fail even the most talented among the Nobel for literature. Let alone in Amman.
then continued my strange relationship with this author. I remain disappointed by virtually all his books, yet I continue to read new writing. Why can write. But the problem is what he writes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Change Combination Master

I have never told of the north wind-Daniel Glatteur

An email to the wrong address, and between two strangers takes the spark. Like a modern fairy tale, after overcoming the initial awkwardness between Emmi Rothner - 34 years, wife and mother of two sons of blameless husband - and Leo Leiko - psycholinguist reduce failure by yet sentimental - playful friendship is established, marked by the irony of complicity and stored with each other, and destined soon to evolve into a more powerful emotion that threatens to engulf both. Epistolary romance of the Internet era, the novel describes the birth of an intense bond, of a report pair is not, but it becomes virtually. A report of this kind can never survive a real encounter?

An epistolary novel in the Internet age. A story that grows exclusively via e-mail, call and response of this man and this woman to address a mistake of starting to write constantly, diligently, to the point of not being able to do without the 'each other. But you can fall in love in the face of the words without seeing who wrote them? E 'right to decide not to meet for fear that his face hidden behind a screen for so many months is not up to the words read?
That way, you probably would seem a story of teenagers in the Internet age: I know someone in chat and I do not know if you see him live or not. But this novel is something more. Or because the characters are adults and are "known" by chance or because the emotions are well narrated and described adolescent crushes and analyze more deeply the difference between real and virtual history stories.
With a final ... that well ... I think the only really possible ...

course, this is essentially a love story (Plato, virtual, but still love it) and then maybe it is not just a book for everyone. Also because There are times when reading this exchange of mail is so realistic and effective way that the reader can almost feel uncomfortable third (and perhaps this is an indication of the cleverness of the author).

I liked it a lot, I read it in less than 6 hours ... if it is your kind of love stories if you like a little (but read Harmony, Sparks, Steel and Kinsella, like me, can not do) read it!

Note to the translation: I am not convinced a lot left in the choice of phrases in English, cursive, is particularly evident when they were in English even in the original German. And then there's a "bear hail" I do not go back much ...

On called Marlene. After five years of this without a future, I finally found the imperfect.

I often think of her in the morning, noon, evening, night, in the interludes, just before and just after ... and also during .

- "Please, let's meet! Maybe it's our last chance. That runs the risk? What did he have to lose?"
- "1.The

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Easy Household Female Masterbation

THE ROAD (Road) - Cormac McCarthy

Man and one child, father and son, unnamed. Pushing a cart full of the little that remained, along a road American. Journey's End is invisible. About ten years before the world was destroyed by nuclear apocalypse that has turned him into a dark, cold, lifeless, inhabited by gangs of desperate robbers. There is no history and no future. While they try in vain more heat moving to the south, the father tells his son to life. Remember my wife (who decided to commit suicide rather than fall victim to the horrors after the nuclear holocaust), and the child's birth, which occurred during the war. All their belongings are in the cart, food is scarce and must periodically venture through the rubble looking for something to eat. Visit the childhood home of his father and explore an abandoned supermarket in which the child drinks for the first time a can of cola. When you meet a caravan of raiders is forced to kill the man who tried to kill a child's life. After many tribulations down to the sea, but is now an expanse of gray water, even without the salty smell, and the temperature is far milder. Collect some objects from an abandoned ship and continue the journey south, towards a possible salvation.

There are books still waiting for a few months on a shelf before being read. Books that are thought to need the right time to read. Books that you read the first page, even several times, at intervals more or less apart, before deciding to go ahead. The Road for me was one of those books. Want the difficulty of English, want to read the comments around that spoke of this novel as a poignant masterpiece.

It 's a difficult book to read even in translation, I think, a book that anguish of every page, without growth and without coming to blows on stage. Pure anguish, the same from the beginning until the final pages.
's the story of a father and a son, whose name is unknown, wandering along the "road" in search of you do not know well what. The world has been destroyed by a nuclear war, even if not said how or when, or why. And there are bad men out there, monsters, that we must hide and escape. Stay on the road, again, not stopping for more than two days, to save his life.
A frightening book, which perhaps may seem boring at times but whose functional noise and anguish that the author wants to convey (and that may cause such a world). A book that reaches its peak effect in the dialogues parent and child, the parent will do anything to defend it, sometimes the child unable to understand what is happening, that still does not understand that is especially bad in the world.

beginning I had some difficulties. It reminded me at times I am Legend (I only saw the film, which disgusted me, and I preferred not to read the book) and then for a moment I was undecided whether to continue or not. But soon you realize that is quite different. There is no hope, no chance (and even zombie killers), only to walk, without stopping.

If you're used to reading in English, certainly makes it more. But if that is so you do not, why not start over with this style of McCarthy is very complex (making use of its own rules of punctuation).

Read, absolutely.

When you dream of a world that never existed, or one that will never exist and you are happy again, it means you gave up.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Make Your Husband Sissy


As I had previously done with Andy Capp, I decided to dedicate a post to my blog to another literary comics that I love and that often lately I'm reading: Sturmtruppen of the Bonvi.
for the first time I discovered this comic a decade ago, when I received a collection as a birthday gift. And since then, I loved. The
Sturmtruppen are nothing more than a parody of war and camp life of a group of German soldiers, who revolted in grotesque all common situations in which soldiers can be found when they are first in line but : shared latrines, fields mined to cross, the homesickness, the bombings and shootings, the wounded and the dead in battle. All told in a funny and humorous, to make more evident the absurdity of war in general. All'antimilitarismo a hymn that is based on irony, sometimes a little heavy and gruesome.
It 's almost impossible not to smile in front of these soldiers who have hallucinations after months and months of the guard, who obey any order ("Be happy! It 'an order! "-" Enough sob! It 'an order "-" No crazy "), who end up dropping into the pot of rations or latrinen, which hide the signs of the field minaten joke and you speak for the dead, recalling the good times that were (to say nothing of the passions sexual and shootings missed). And to make it even more fun and featuring the comic is spoken "TETESCHEN" of these soldiers and the reference to famous people of the Second World War.

Maybe it's not a comic for everyone, the more easily impressionable might have to say about the cartoons in which the soldiers died or were killed by snipers on exploding minefields or receive medals when of them has not been that torso and head. But the skill of Bonvi, which means that there is the slightest doubt about the value of his comic antimilitare (unlike, for example, to what happens with Mort Walker Beetle Bailey, which is a bit 'more ambiguous ) is the right to pass these things as normal and not as a tragedy.
Why are tragedies, but very often, because of the lust for power and conquest that only manage to give up arms, certain powerful if they forget.

the cartoons you see this lily ... but if you click on it get bigger!

Closeout Stores Atlanta


Who killed Germaine Piedboeuf breaking through the skull with a hammer? And because the body was thrown into the Meuse only three days after the murder? But most of all: can a woman be so hard to kill someone with a hammer? Maigret observes and records, as is his habit, gestures and looks, smells and environments. And when he found the perpetrator of this crime if they return home, letting the guilty are punished her by the progressive destruction of the "home of the Flemings."

Initially, the temptation was simply to write a comment like: "Is there a previous review," as more or less confirmed the same impressions mentioned above. Maigret as an investigator not convince me, why not investigate, does not infer (or rather, relies on the reader but does not say) and focuses on details that seem relevant, but are not (an attempt at misdirection, perhaps?). I do not like his manner gruff, nor his way of handling the cases and suspects. But this novel was actually a bit more yellow than the previous I've read. He manages to insinuate doubts and suspicions, plots and intrigues to make you think ... until the end, perhaps a little obvious, but the only possible ...
short, a thriller that it's okay to read on the beach or on the train or svaccati on the couch, to pass the time without considering the mind too.
say that if you have never read a mystery novel in your life (do not believe it, c'mon), do not start with those of Simenon ...

Note to translation: a translation Adelphi is back ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Quarterly Recurring Deposit Formula

anticipation of Slapsticon 2011

again this year at the Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre Arlington (Virginia) will be three beautiful days of rare short comedies.
SLAPSTICON The festival will take place only in the warm and sometimes hot in July of the place (and it's not Virginia Beach!) July 14 to 17.
There will be little to catch the sun, but the laughter will warm up the environment for sure. For
sympathetic adventurers interested in coming, I report some small advances. These should be some of the things you see, although as always the program is subject to change at least until the month of June:

Seeing Things (1928) - Ben Turpin
Sock and Run (1929) - Snub Pollard, Marvin Loback
Marx Brothers Rarities
Father's Close Shave (1920) — Johnny Ray, Laura LaPlante
Bringing Up Father (1946) — Joe Yule Sr., Directed by Eddie Cline
Ham Among the Redskins (1915) — Ham and Bud
Her Anniversaries (1917) — Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew
Local Showers (1916) — Musty Suffer
The Child Needs a Mother (1916) — L-KO Comedy with Fatty Voss in drag!
Risks and Roughnecks (1917) — Larry Semon
No Children (1929) — Smitty Comedy
The Home Wreckers (1925) — Hey Fellas Comedy
Young Sherlocks (1922) — Our Gang
Never Too Old (1926) — Roach All-Star Comedy with Claude Gillingwater
Follow the Crowd (1918) — Harold Lloyd
Girl Shock (1930) — Charley Chase
Queen of Aces (1925) — Wanda Riley
Keystone Girls Open the Trout Season (1917) — Mack Sennett Special
What Happened to Mrs. Jones? (1917) — Mack Sennett Special
Rob Stone Rarities
Dynamite (1920) — Lloyd Hamilton
Moonshine (1921) — Lloyd Hamilton
April Fool (1921) — Lloyd Hamilton
The Simp (1920) — Lloyd Hamilton
Blitz on the Fritz (1943) — Harry Langdon
Many Sappy Returns (1938) — Charley Chase
Idle Roomers (1931) — Cameo Comedy Directed by Roscoe Arbuckle
Tramp Tramp Tramp (1935) — Andy Clyde
Free Rent (1936) - Monty Collins and Tom Kennedy
The Battling Orioles (1924) - Glenn Tryon
Misfit Sailor (1926) - Billy Dooley
Swiss Movements (1926) - Jimmie Adams
Who's Afraid? (1927) - Lupino Lane

coming months, go into some of the concepts in this seat (and perhaps also on the portal within the and I'll try to better focus on specific sections. See how delicious cuisine decadent spirit has entered Eddie Cline in his Bringing Up FATHER megatardo of 1946 is like a splash of cream in this luscious cream that is served to toast fresh fresh in the warmest month of the year.
Until next time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Targas Release Pl Ate

bike ride ... Happy holidays

... and a little 'relaxation! An internal
The Time Capsule (Helbling Languages).
China and photoshop.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Best Graphic Tablet For Sketchbook Express

SOLAR-Ian McEwan

McEwan as few other authors manage to excite the reader to the fates of characters at least questionable, "heroes" that attract in proportion to the disgust they inspire. This is the case of Michael Beard: short, fat, incredible seducer, faithless husband and a licensed serial on the fifth marriage, just over half a century is now a listless and despotic bureaucrat when the genius of science, although in his youth earned him the Nobel Prize for Physics, has left him. From Einstein's successor to living almanac of the seven deadly sins (with some preference for throat and lust): the parable of existential Beard seems to lead inexorably towards the melancholic contemplation of his own decadence. At least until the day when he is entrusted with the national center for renewable energy: its subject is not slow to put the spotlight on a young Tom Aldous, as bright as naive (at least in the eyes of cynical Beard) in its aspiration to " save the world. " Yet the draft Tom is not as unsubstantiated if the air as he speaks its discovery is able to resolve once and for all the energy problems of the planet. The meeting between the young researcher and scientist will mature unexpected developments: a plot that, far from being an end in itself, is an opportunity for a collective moral confrontation with a ruthless indifferent, beyond the slogans, the risks global warming.

Before this, I read four novels by McEwan. Two Atonement and Saturday , I've devoured and adored to the point of them repeatedly recommended. The other two, Enduring Love and C brace for Guests , I was momentarily brought to decide not to read nothing of this page, so I was shocked and impressed. Solar and then came out the description on the back cover intrigued me a lot and pushed to give another chance to McEwan.
And this novel is going to be placed exactly in the middle. You can read how you can not read. If you read it, it is not wasted time. Otherwise, you have not lost anything.
This view is partly due to shortcomings and my interests: physics I mean little or nothing and I are therefore a bit 'bored to read the (many) pages of theories and prototype tools to save the world from global warming.
Even the plot, I think, misses something. The novel develops into three periods, four or five years away from one another: from one side you see is the evolution of theories and projects to "save the world", is the protagonist's personal life (which is anything but funny), a genius awarded the Nobel Prize a few years before that she struggles between her health problems, his many lovers (with all the scandal and ensuing aftermath in time) and his desire for power and success stronger than everything.
The problem is that everything is quite scontantata and predictable. E 'expected return of some characters of the first part in the third, it is foreseeable that the failure of the protagonist, and is likely also that which is not that in the end, purposely left open by the author in an attempt to attract the attention of the reader (do not know about you, but I hate the final on hold when there is no reason that they are).
But there is something you save: tragicomic anecdotes (like the snowmobile), some more or less implicit criticism of the style of government past and present and the low interest in the environment when the money in the game are many.

And then I recognized something of the protagonist (and bullshit, but I did just smile when I read it): to be dressed in layers with fifteen to go on the snowmobile and feel at that moment the need to pee ...

Well, you see a little 'if you read it or not ... I do not recommend nor discourage ...

Note to the translation: I would say nothing to report!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How To Set Up Prawn Trap Line

Translators are the psychoanalysts of the authors

Tribute (from Wuz )

Daniel Pennac: the translator is the author psychoanalyst

This is the speech given by Daniel Pennac in occasion of the Award that was presented in the occasion of the translation of Urbino.
The translation is by Yasmina Melaouah intervention, official translator of the beloved French author.
His words make it quite clear why the jury decided to award Daniel Pennac, but the reasons for the "official" were so designated by the Commission: the inexhaustible readiness with which supports its translators in various stages of interpretation and yield of language, for the generous attention shown towards their working conditions, for the ideal witness to the value of the translation of which is a carrier in the world of culture.

Dear translators, light of my secular Pentecost, let me thank you and tell you my surprise, thank you for the honor you do me this award and assigning me tell you my surprise at having chosen me for this honor.
You say that I was grateful for my general attitude towards the translators. What gratitude? What would be the man that you are without translators? A man who does not speak law or any language besides their own, not even English, and I think also the last European to be in this plight. Even the Italian, despite three decades of friendship that bind us. This man has a vital need of translators, you are my life, my life, thanks to you my books are reborn and crossing borders. I say reborn as the translation of a literary text is equivalent to a new birth and the role played by the translators in this birth is regarded as a creation. The notion of translation is inseparable from the creation , the language does not simply transpose is an act of translation, but an act of duplication, which produces a Ostrogothic incomprehensible. Just read the instructions for using my washing machine from Germany, Italian design with Japanese electronics, manufactured in Korea to be linguistically driven to suicide.

For a novel alive in another language is necessary for someone to give him new life in this new language and that someone is you. What is the new life of a well-published novel? In a text that is embodied in a language that is not its original language, in your case Italian, enough to make the reader exclaim, "seems written in Italian, "which can not be said of the instructions for your machine. But what has proved an illusion of the reader? The mysterious form of the excellent translation, in this case the ability to transpose into another language vocabulary classical, popular foreign author, the pace of his writing, his musicality, its implications, its allusions, the different intentions, essentially what is written and what we might call the spirit of the text . Ability that the Translator is a kind of psychoanalyst author. But some say the spirit of the text also says spirit of the language in which the text is written, which makes you even care ethnologists and linguists fussy, this ability to restore the spirit of a foreign language in your language can only come from a merger with the text and the language, together a perfect mastery of the target language , yours. This dual responsibility requires ubiquity linguistic and literary or, more accurately, an analog intuition, this intuition analog requires translators to immerse themselves in a dimension of obsession, which, incidentally, is the same as the novelist work. In the exercise of this obsession, Yasmina Melaouah , my Italian translator, Eveline Passet , my German translator, Valentic Vlatka, my translator Croatian Mitsubayashi Akira, my Japanese translator, Sarah Adams , my translator for English, or Manuel Serrat Crespo , my English translator - to name but a few - I often reach into the heart of my text. But the obsession, dear friends, as I know, takes time. It takes time. And this time, it should be remunerated.

few years ago at a conference where I was asked what I thought of the fact that the translator is psychoanalyst author (since This idea is not mine, and at that conference on it were all unanimously agree), I said "yes, yes, I clapped and then I suggested to align the remuneration of translators that of psychoanalysts . Alas, the end of unanimity. Nobody agreed with me, except the translators present, very fun idea. Given that, professionally, you are slaves obsession without remuneration requires that its duration. And yet translate. Very good, in the case of many of you.
When I happen to read a foreign novel translated poorly, before blaming the translator I always wonder how long he was allowed to enter intimate with the text and in the depths of the two languages \u200b\u200binvolved . And when I happen to read a good translation, my first reaction is absolute gratitude for the translator that he found time for his obsession, which is dedicated literary utopia, despite a market logic that is concerned only when the letters become numbers, big money, and that does not distinguish between literature and instructions for use of our washing machines.

of all this, then, your ubiquity, your obsession, your commitment to ensure that each novel is inscribed in the world literature, thank you.

by Paola Pedrinazzi

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sim City 4 Street Templates


Calcutta, 1916. A burning locomotive pierces the night carrying a load of dead innocents. Under a pouring rain that night, a young English lieutenant, sacrificing their lives to rescue newborn twins stalked by a tragic destiny. Calcutta, 1932. Ben, the twin male, age sixteen, he left the orphanage, St. Patricks and celebrates the beginning of his adult life. It is also the last day of Chowbar Society, a secret club that counts seven orphans as Ben, which met for years at midnight under a roof of stars in the main hall of an old ruined building, the Palace of Midnight. The seven boys are confident that this will be their last night together, but the past knocks on the door of Ben: the beautiful sister who could not have entered the Palace with a crazy story to tell. The embers of the fire sixteen years before they begin to burn. For three interminable days the members of the Society Chowbar try to decipher what lies behind the history of Ben and his sister, while fighting a terrible second fire started by a shadow of mystery. And when the hell now seems to have taken the upper hand and the inevitable fulfillment of destiny, the fire suddenly turns off ... and a white snow falls on the streets of Calcutta.

Write a comment on the books Zafón is always difficult. I am of the view that, apart from some more or less rare exception, many authors are able to write a masterpiece only in their entire career. What Zafón is undoubtedly "The Shadow of the Wind." All the others written before or after, the all alike, but with a little bit less, which does not make them equal.
This author certainly writes well (he was a bit 'that do not start and finished a book in an afternoon) and has the unique ability to involve that tells the full story, to the point that you can not disconnect until the end. This novel, however, I found it a bit 'too hasty. " The events take place in a couple of days, and often used the expedient Zafón, already used in other novels, to tell a character all the things that might not otherwise be explained, as if he had any doubt about the plot that wants to follow. It also highlights the scene inside the subway station, is a succession of twist a bit 'too predictable culminating in a finale too dull (well, this man is a kind of human torch in the end dies a match?).
I am convinced that people like me who so loved Shadow of the Wind is still a little disappointed (or more than disappointed, puzzled) by this novel (as well as "The Angel's Game" and "Marina", but they had from the 'Barcelona setting).
That said though, I do not feel absolutely inadvisable because it is hard to find among the authors of best sellers, a category which falls Zafón some years now, with such an ability to use words.

Note the translation is the first I read Zafón translated, as I prefer when I can read English authors in the original language. But I would say that was good.

Minolta X 700 Wide Angle Lense

10 DEL 2010

Considering how I like to crack down on the books when I did not like, I was pointed out that after the post on the best books of the past year, is almost a must do also on the worst.
I struggled a bit 'to find 10 ... But the selection does not recommend never even to someone who is annoying me: P

(again, not in order of ugliness but of reading, starting from the beginning of the year)

-ALADDIN'S LAMP Luis Sepulveda

-Let the party begin Niccolo Ammaniti


-A 'DISTURBING SYMMETRY Audrey Niffenegger





-L 'LAST LINE OF FAIRY TALES Massimo Gramellini

- Sophie Kinsella Can You Keep A Secret

that nobody wants me: P