Friday, December 31, 2010

Message To Friends On The Arrival Of A New Baby

WORST AND BEST 10 (+1) of 2010

And here we are at December 31. A year that is ending. One year of assiduous reading, and stir and turn the pages of books read, adored or hated.
So I decided to greet the year 2010, making the top 10 books (+ 1, because I could not choose what to delete from the ones I checked) who for one reason or another have loved most this year. (Not in order of taste but of reading, starting from January)
Hoping that 2011 brought to me and all readers of this blog lots of good books to read:)

- A stiff Stefania Bertola

- VERY Loud and Incredibly Close Jonathan Safran Foer


- RED George Serbanenco

-THE BEAUTY AND HELL Roberto Saviano

Alice-The Lovely Bones Sebold

-Someone to Run With by David Grossman

- LA LUNA ROSSA Luis Leante

suffocation Chuck Pahlaniuck

-OPEN ALL NIGHT David Trueba

- The Brooklyn Follies Paul Auster


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Congratulations Grandmother

Brooklyn Follies Paul Auster

Nathan Glass is a retired insurance company on bad terms with his ex-wife and daughter. After a heavy surgery and without a long lease of life, decides to end his days in Brooklyn, the neighborhood where he was born. Here you find his nephew Tom, now grayed library clerk, Lucy, the daughter of the sister of Tom, and, while traveling to Vermont, even the love of his life ... All four returned to Brooklyn and things go well, until it reaches a fateful September 11 ...

After reading "Moon Palace" I was almost convinced not to read anything by this author, so I was bored and disappointed that novel (or rather, the first part was fantastic and terrible in the second).
But then a friend of mine told me about this, describing it as a masterpiece, and, since we have very similar tastes, I've made prestare.E I did just fine. A simply wonderful book.
Characters are all incredible. From Nathan, our narrator, who moves to Brooklyn to die in peace and that he finds his nephew Tom, and a whole host of other great characters (the bookseller-forger Harry Brightman, little Lucy, and Mrs. Joyce daughter) whose lives intersect with his, animate and more worth living. Meanwhile, bring forward his plan to write a novel that encompasses all the follies that ordinary people do every day, and that are common to all the others.
A brilliant book, narrated in an exemplary way (good idea to anticipate some element then saying "but we'll talk about later), which commends individuals and is most common understand that even those that seem better than others, they are actually fragile, like everyone else.
Wonderful ending!
be read completely!

Note to the translation: compliments to the translator, who has managed to juggle so egregious of all the double meanings of the words, without adding too much of the Italian version. Well done!

"Are you quite sure about you, damn you"
"I have to be, Tom. If I were not I would not be here. I would have my bags in the car waiting for me. I do not know that you're ' man of my life. "

"People felt as I do. Who am I to say that they are wrong? "

" Never underestimate the power of books "

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Charlie Chaplin. The Keystone comedies in DVD

After reviewing all four discs of this long-awaited DVD box set, I write two lines of comment and some impressions.
So CHAPLIN: THE Keystone comedy is a product of home video high bill. Never, I repeat never, had been available as a complete ensemble of the works of Chaplin Keystones and with a much higher image quality. The restoration of the comic so mistreated (the "critical" has always focused on the mature period of Chaplin, leaving the already Essenays Mutuals and largely at the margins, let alone any Keystones) was very long and in the past ten years has seen the collaboration of film archives around the world (all supported by our local "Film Library of Bologna) and experts of great fame and for which I have the utmost respect and I have the greatest respect. In
DVD contains all 34 films that Chaplin turned to this studio in 1914, excluding perhaps only now definitely lost HER FRIEND THE BANDIT, plus the first part of the recently discovered A THIEF CATCHER - I mentioned in this very blog a few months ago, more interviews, a study of the locations, and some other curiosities. Overall this set is a must for any fan of Chaplin and I would say to any fan of silent comedy.
Most copies are definitely the best you could get. I was ecstatic Johnnie's vision of A FILM, THE FACE ON THE BAR ROOM FLOOR, HIS PAST PREISTORIC, Tillie's Punctured Romance to name just a few titles. I would say that almost all films are visually enjoyable. Even the musical accompaniment are worthy of note, composed and interpreted with skill by some of the greatest experts in the music of silent comedies in the world.
said, perfection is not of this world but certainly not in this set. A THIEF CATCHER, for example, is brutally interrupted just a few seconds after the entrance of Chaplin. Given the recent discovery, it is likely that Paul has agreed to donate Gierucky not in full but only a part (being careful not to show all the scenes with Charlie the cop). However this DVD seems to break in and out of tune is biting his tongue at every viewer.
What really left me perplexed, however, concerns the incompleteness of certain securities which are not presented in the best version to date as possible. Despite the praise I've just finished weaving this set-to-duties are in fact was really bad to see a superficial approach applied during the reconstruction work. It would not take much to create a masterpiece. Instead, it is not. Unfortunately.
are many frames, and sometimes even small sections of real scenes that were available in other sources (16 or 35mm home video equipment or even existing) and have not been incorporated. I decided to list the most painful losses I personally believe that, by omitting significant cuts in the economy of the box but in my opinion, even negligible, such as opening KID AUTO RACES AT VENICE (missing), the finale of The Knockout (more fully elsewhere ) or other things of this kind. I therefore decided to focus only on what I think is really serious.
Given that much of what remains there are remakes of Keystones Production WH (1918 circa), shortened in the editing room in a primitive-frame deletion unexpectedly at the beginning or end of a scene in order to speed up the action - it is virtually impossible to know how effectively these shorts had their first outing of 1914. You can still work on what is certainly left of those movies (although sometimes the sources can be difficult to find) and that every year aiming at historical accuracy should contain.
If this short list have sometimes been overly critical, stubborn or severe, this is solely due to the great love I have for the silent comedy and Charlie Chaplin and the great passion that I put in all this. There's no animosity there polemical. Let me be clear.

So, in the following securities of the shortcomings I found ..

BETWEEN SHOWERS, composed of material of excellent quality - I had never seen a copy so sharp and so nice to look at-but missing the first shot to the top and contains some jumps in time frame of entry into the scene, Ford Sterling, not clear as the first appearance of Charlie leaned against the fence: there is a clear cut because vanishes like a ghost from one frame to another. There is also another small cut near the end, while Ford and Chester Conklin Sterlig going to slam against each other. Note that these cuts were also present in other circulating copies of the film on DVD or VHS, but it would be possible to trace them through private collectors.

HIS FAVORITE Pastime lacks a few seconds after Charlie fell on the couch (The scale) and lights a cigarette. Also this incompleteness could have been remedied if he sought the hand of some collectors or have found multiple copies of the film at the time of the restoration process.

CAUGHT IN A CABARET inexplicably missing the end of the first reel. We do not know why this is not the hammer that Charlie settles in Chester Conklin in this edition is only mentioned to you immediately cut to the start of the second reel. There are about three or four seconds to rob the film of one of the gags. To understand the spread of this scene, this really in a lot of copies, enough to say that this edition is also in good quality PASSPORT VIDEO and other editions from the same source (though full of intertitles). Honestly, in a job like a lightness of this type is really inexplicable.

LAUGHING GAS lacks the opening shot of Charlie, who before entering the dental yawns twice and looks toward the camera. All this is even (that says it all) not in the RAI ( Charlot Dentists) submitted in 1989 in "Chaplin all in chronological order." Imagine how easy it would be jumping out during the restoration. RECREATION

is the black sheep of the set. The copy is blurry, washed out (with the exception of an insert in 35mm a couple of minutes late) and is identical to what I used to see in the DVD editions of low-level circulation in about ten years ago. In the wake of restoration reads: All existing copies of "Recreation" is fragmented, damaged or have a very bad image quality . It is not true. It 's a huge bale. Should at least have to write something like this: "Almost all copies of" Recreation "is fragmented, damaged or have a very bad image quality. So far we have not been able to produce better copy." It is not to suggest boldly the words to use, but frankly, reading this blatant misinformation is bad for the heart. To begin with, as for other securities, would have been enough to spend some more money knocking at the door of collectors also long been known that in Argentina, specifically to the Cinémathèque Hebraica in Buenos Aires, this is a very good copy of the film, even in 35mm. I do not know what is behind this "oversight". Perhaps the film archives of the old rusty?
At least they could have put that part much better visually present in the anthology The Clown Princes of Hollywood Paul Killiam that was not recently. He "covered" a wide area of \u200b\u200bfilm, from where the sailor wakes up and reaches Charlie and the girl to the point where Charlie is the innocent before the policeman. HIS NEW PROFESSION

is mutilated well fitted and not (initially). The comic begins with a shot of the newspaper that covers the face of Charlie, this openness has been added a few seconds later this year. For heaven's sake, that's nothing earth-shattering. The worst is after. Missing three points of the film. Before proposing the sick to receive money in advance to get a drink, Charlie was already past the front door, he continued to wipe his pants and had cleaned a also the head of his "patient." Then, as I was leaving, he had thought to get a drink. Well, the scene just described, which leads to the demand for money, restored edition just out THERE '. So as there is (except for a short fragment) the whole scene at the bar. It 's a shame because it is a very funny scene in which Charlie manages to downing more drinks escaping the gaze of the bartender Roscoe Arbuckle. What's more, this copy is also missing the final film, which sees Charlie go along with the frightened girl. Everything I just described is easily available on DVD or VHS that many issues were on the market in the '90s and early 2000. Those Love Pangs

is presented in an copy of excellent and well-defined and very well set to music by Antonio Coppola. Unfortunately, however, lacks the first part, which could have been found in an edition to 16mm, integral, from voiced by a reprint of the forties, in possession of a collector who reasonably-paid-would agree to donate to the process of restoration and reconstruction of the film. It is not just a loss: they are less than forty seconds of film.

HIS PLACE trysting is also incomplete. The scene of "combat" in the kitchen of Charlie and Mabel is a bit 'longer than it appears in this edition and added the finding could have been, in one way or another.
The end of the film was cut off and is lost the final kiss between Charlie and Mabel, present in many copies of the film available.

In conclusion, CHAPLIN AT KEYSTONE (or CHAPLIN: THE COMIC KEYSTONE version Italian if you prefer) is an excellent release, surely the best on the market for this so-repeat-neglected period of art the king of comedy, but it is not, of course, a definitive edition. There runs so much.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Arizona Suede Boot Be Washed

To all of you my dearest wishes for peaceful holidays and happy new year.
See you in January fresher, happier and more chubby.

Sms To Tell Someone That I Have New Baby

A-HEAD IN THE GAME-Georges Simenon

How much is the head of a man? According Maigret enough to play for his career. But this time Commissioner may really big: to escape from Santé, based on a simple insight, a person sentenced to death on the eve of execution capital is a bet that could cost him dear. tailing the escaped, Maigret finds himself at the Coupole, confused between the carrefour cosmopolitan fauna of Montparnasse: rich idle, failed artist, parasites. Here he meets one who is the true protagonist of the novel: Jean Radek, a former medical student of Czechoslovakia, penniless and ingenious. A personality tortuous and ill, that for the first time can surprise and disorient Maigret challenging him to a duel on the field of intelligence and dell'astuzia.

The yellows are a type of novel that I really like. Especially those "serial", with more or less brilliant investigators who face cases, and because of their intelligence or their talent come to discover the truth. I love Agatha Christie's Poirot. I love Adamsberger Fred Vargas, and I do not mind even the good old Sherlock Holmes.
What about Maigret? Perhaps among these is what excites me less, at least in this particular novel. A bit 'too disagreeable and grumpy for my taste. And in this novel, at least for the most part, does not show even a great and remarkable intelligence. It moves according to a suspicion that the person convicted of murder is actually innocent, to the point where it bracico escape from death. The rest is then a little 'confused. Like if you accidentally find himself catapulted into the truth.
I was not convinced at all. Note

translation: translations Adelphi not ever convince me at all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Spoon RIVER-E. Lee Masters

EL Masters Spoon River anthology brings to life with great clarity of expression, the characters of a city \u200b\u200bof ghosts that seem to now lie quiet behind the tombstones of a cemetery lawn of the Midwest. Each tells his story and gives voice to the intrigue, hypocrisy and the torment of a life in conformity and repressed habits. The result is an unforgettable indictment of the American lifestyle provincial and puritanical tone that has the raw edge of a voice, that delivery time.

been years since I heard about this anthology without ever I decide to read it. Then a few days ago, in the car, I listened for the umpteenth time two songs De André, "They sleep on the Hill" and "A judge," both inspired (so like many others) to this collection.
What can I say? The author is simply brilliant. Portrays in these essays, each dedicated to a "dead" Spoon River, the life of a country, with all its intrigue and its gossip, as well as the lifestyle of Puritan America in general.
Some make you smile (especially the "knock-response" between the real characters), while others think. I do not think you can say much more.

No note, read in the original language (because I did not have the translated version by Fernanda Pivano)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Megatouch Foxxi Boxxi


Today is the birthday of my mother, who makes well-BIP-years!
For the occasion, me and my little dog we have prepared this picture, and we printed on canvas ... we did well?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Diagram Of Thin Stools


"The only place open is the house all night, "says Ambrose Bierce. And around the house turning the turbulent life of the family Belitre. Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and six children between nine and twenty-eight years, over a hot English summer, moving house of a small apartment in a suburban two-storey building with attic, garden and cherry, in the heart of Madrid eighties, the cradle of work stress, the stunning night. And around the house, always in front of the gaping need of comfort to applications, to the stumbles of the time, Belitre grow and grow old, die and have fun, they lie, they question and respond, in a mixture of tenderness and emotion, and great laughter. "

book that my Mom! Discovered by chance aNobii browsing and reading all in one breath from yesterday afternoon until 18 at night. It was impossible to stop. It was impossible to think of waiting a day to continue and finish the story of this very special family, who struggle every day to seem "normal."
Belitre The family is a typical family: grandfather Abelard poet who composed verses and converses regularly with God, and her grandmother Alma, intellectual, living in bed and decided that because it talks about her past love with English intellectuals, both parents in his fifties who are looking how they can continue to send the family to raise six children, each with its problems more or less serious (From small Matías, suffering from a terrible syndrome that leads him to identify with the positions of command, Nacho, tireless heartthrob, to Basil, so bad that his only dream is to become invisible). To disrupt their lives will be two additions: that of Sara, the new "caretaker" of the grandmother, who will lose his head all the males of the family, upsetting balance and giving birth to jealousy and rebellion, and the follower of the psychologist Freud, taken to cure the problem of ugliness of Basil, which will be established in a tent in the garden and will be converted soon Belitre adviser to the whole family.
In the end everything will return to its place, if a place has it ever had. Return the balance, but without doing good or for too pleased.

An incredible book that makes you laugh and touch that makes us reflect on certain aspects of the life of every person tells so direct but sometimes ironic: the midlife crisis of cinquatenni, the sense of inadequacy to the world around us, the disease and its impact on the family, the difficulty of falling in love or fear to do so.
many characters with many different characteristics, which are found all together in the one place that is open all night home.

be read completely!

Note translation: too many notes, sometimes redundant (but perhaps because I have some knowledge of the history of English literature and culture) and some grammatical problem.

"Instead of selling insurance policies he would like to murder-suicides and emergency exits from this world-idiot instead of scaffolding to support a life of staggering. "

"The summer storms if they do not waits for no one. Just like love, burst suddenly, they surprise you in the wrong place at the wrong time, they force you to run, jump, run, run for cover. And then, suddenly, here comes the sun, which brings to ears a rainbow. "

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bloody Discharge Before A Period

The Time Capsule

I received my package this morning ... wow!
I reread it, I'll do the exercises and listen to the CD to improve my pronunciation ... my broken English I will be very grateful: D