Monday, February 28, 2011

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Reviewed By popular demand ...

... the cover illustration for The Time Capsule (Helbling Languages).
I would also like to thank all those who were present for the opening night or have Comics visited the collective Desk during the following weeks.
We hope to organize as soon as something new!

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A young father struggling with a boring dissertation, a trader in the process of bankruptcy, a beautiful girl with moral ground by married lover, a nearly -almost-retired evicted from his wife, a mom tired of feeding their children and need to feed your mind: for all of them, spend crumpled night out can only be healthy. The public library promotes reading club, and here a motley group of characters in search of fun "turns into an unlikely but wonderful community. With extraordinary lightness and humor, Julie Highmore weaves a comedy about men and women passionate about books and characters of guotidiano, where the literary circle becomes a real alternative to group therapy and where everyone's life turns out to be much better than a movie.

The first thing you have to say about this novel is "congratulations to those who chose the Italian title" ... certainly responsible for the sale of a lot 'of copies of this book. Too bad then you open the cover and read the original "Pure Fiction" (actually much more suited to the plot) and especially of books that they appear so, but just a few (and apart from those of Tyler which I have already read, I felt like reading any of the others).
The books are really a gimmick to tell the story of this group of people who know each other by participating in the same reading group and whose lives are linked and intertwined in a more or less funny, or profound scontantata to point to stand together to avenge one of its members.
There are a lot of main characters, but none that I have conquered so much. And there, frustrated writer and home, which initially seems adorable but then at least for me it becomes irritating. There's Kate, a restorer with a rebellious daughter. We are Zoe and Donna, which will end with the same man and that together we avenge. We are Bob and Browen, the more sedate of the group, and the obnoxious and pedantic Gideon. In short, many people but in my opinion not as well done (much better than the minor characters). And the plot, cute, funny at times too, but with the gimmick of the initial reading club, could come up with something much better. And the style of the author, at times a bit 'confused, does not help ...
A book on the beach or by train without pretentious (because if he had, surely disappoint), which is good to spend a few hours ... But you can not read it.

translation Note: apart from the title, nothing to say

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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VERSION Mordecai Richler-Barney

He arrived in a late, bigmouth, quarrelsome age, Barney Panofsky picks up the pen to defend themselves from the charge of murder , and other calumnies equally unfortunate, released by his arch-nemesis Terry McIver. Thus, among four fingers of whiskey and a breath of Monte Cristo, Barney recounts the life happily dissipated and deeply unfair that the Jewish Quarter of Montreal took him in Paris of early fifties and then again in Canada, to turn ideas in youth raked in "sitcom" very popular and so profitable.

If I had to explain why it took me so long to read this novel (almost two weeks, something that happens very rarely), I do not know what to say. The book is not written badly, in fact. When you start to read a chapter, then rushes in to the eyes and you realize the skill and ingenuity of the author. But boh, I read a chapter and then leaves him there, I was willing to continue. E 'was difficult to get past the first 150 pages, where you do not understand almost anything. Barney Panofsky, sdi third-rate soap opera television producer, decided to write his autobiography, his "version", in response to what is narrated by his enemy and rival, with whom he shared a past as a young man a bit 'bohemian.
Yet even when we enter the narrative logic of Barney, or put together many anecdotes, sometimes separated from each other, to tell his life, divided on the basis of his three marriages, the desire to abandon it several times it becomes very strong.

stems mainly from the feelings that I think Barney arouses in the reader. Either you hate or love. And to me, basically, is obnoxious. To the point that even his most entertaining anecdotes (ie those related to his marriage with his second wife, or those of his father) left me almost indifferent.
But I repeat, the book is well written and flows well read, so I did not feel in the least discouraged. Also because the last five lines of the novel, but those not written by Barney's son who worked to collect and treat the autobiography, are among the most ingenious and disturbing I have ever read. And the book is worth just for them.

Note to the translation: I do not know, I do not like the translations Adelphi. I do not like the glossary at the end, I do not like the lyrics of the songs left in their original language (or perhaps simply because the French do not understand it) and I do not like certain translation choices. In short, the rivedrei.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Promotional messages

I do not want my readers if I use, for the first time since it was created this blog for non-literary but advertising (quiet, I will not try to sell you a vacuum cleaner).

E 'I made a promise to a dear friend. If your blog will exceed the 1000 visits, you can pluck a nice post by the advertising of The Prancing Reader (if this is an honor or not, can not establish with certainty ...)
So because the promise is best to maintain them and, above all, the 1000 visits we truly arrive, here I am.

So ... ladies and gentlemen, loyal readers and readers of The Prancing Reader click the link below and go to all the fantastic blog, "Good morning shit." (Not bad, not, as advertising?)

Okay, I admit, I do not do just to keep a promise (and because even occasionally appears on that blog some of my contribution) (and no, they are not even paid).

publicized it because I think it's really brilliant. Because I give voice to the thoughts of many (who does not use.The .. Ever open the newspaper early in the morning and then want to respond to some "good morning" with a "hello shit ... but do not see how the world is heading?"). Because I believe that the word (seasoned with a healthy dose of cynicism) is an effective weapon against the crap that surrounds us, and that too gooders will get us nowhere. And because I believe that there should be someone who makes us see once again how ridiculous it is all that we are living (ok, I point we have hardly noticed by themselves, but there is someone better, one more, to repeat).

short, publicized it because he deserves it and because I hope that someone, after having been here, has want to read, follow, share, and wish everyone a nice Hello shit.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nationality Breast Size


Modern Musketeers in a beat up pickup truck, four friends in crisis maturity embark on an unlikely journey to snatch a little 'time of existence and to reaffirm its desire for rebellion and fun. Solo, twenty-seven oppressed by parents too perfect and the memory of an ex who is about to get married; Blass, fat and clumsy, to lash a search for love, Claudio, Tombeur de femmes who lives only for his friendship, Raul, precipitated S & M fantasies in a quiet family menage twins with dependents. A van second-hand odor of cheese, the four decide to indulge in August by a lion, illusory compensation from everyday life. From Madrid to Valencia from Zaragoza to Madrid again, through a trail of fights, drinking, broken hearts and hasty embrace, strengthen their friendship in a late-late teens. A kaleidoscope of adventures, a novel acid and melancholy that the pace of the best movies.

Having read and adored "Open all night", it seemed unthinkable not to read this other book by David Trueba, sure that I would be confronted with another masterpiece.
And partly, it certainly is, although completely different from the first novel. Four Friends, on the threshold of thirty years, decided to leave for two weeks holiday adventure on an old van that smells of cheese. "The long journey to the Pussy", "Journey to the Center of the thighs," "around the ass in Eighty Days," "Twenty Thousand Leagues subnormal ... plausible are the titles for their adventure. But what actually is missing, or "escape from the failures, fears and problems" afflicting so differently and with different results each of the protagonists. There Raúl, SM enthusiast, who finds himself married with twins and small, profound and constant struggle between his desire to have fun and a sense of family which was swept away. There Blass, fat too good and naive that it is precisely because of its goodness is destined to remain forever the best friend any girl he meets, there's Claudio, perhaps the most enterprising of the four, "scopavecchie and lover animals. And then there's only (yes, like that of Star Wars), voice and heart of the whole affair. Choked full of expectations from their parents against him, restless spirit, which still does not know what he wants from his life. And most of all love, still in love with Barbara, who is about to marry a man who is the opposite of him. A travel adventure, searching for themselves in the company of the only people who can really bear: friends.
The book follows the adventures of these four boys on holiday, including colorful characters, fucked hasty achievements impossible and incredible bad luck, going to tourist sites, beaches and abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere, and ends at the feast of the marriage of Barbara .

Trueba's style I like, I like his humor, his good dose of cynicism (perhaps a little excessive at times, but still acceptable) and its characterization of the characters and situations. And it is beautiful the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling with old friends (who all, at least once in their life, I'm sure we did), despite putting up the the numerous defects and phobias. And there are so many phrases that I have been in this novel (one more beautiful than the quotes from "Written on napkins at the end of each chapter).
But a flaw has it. We talk and it really gets too much sex ... some mention cheaper, and some less explicit scene and the book might have been even more appreciated.
It remains a book I recommend.

Note to the translation: not bad. A few notes, but perhaps essential for those who are not or do not know English.

"It 's curious, people are able to change their breasts, nose, lips, but no would think of changing the brain. Almost all could improve it, and instead the brain continues to keep the deception, making us believe that we can not have a better one. E 'overrated organ, without a shadow of doubt "

" When you get a kiss on the cheek by a woman who kissed a thousand times on the lips, you know you lost your place in his heart "

" We are saws that can be slapped as well as slapping that seem to kiss "

" Fail as fast as you can, so you'll have time in life to take back "

" His friends believe that love you is to accept as you are: you're right, all right, when you really need someone to scream that you're wrong, you have to change. "

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Kh2 How Do You Keep The Medallion

Desk Comics

We look forward to tomorrow night for the opening at the art gallery of contemporary GlobalArt Noicattaro (BA).
The exhibition will be open to the public until February 27.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Size Your Dog To A Halti Dog Collar


The first time I saw Zlatan Ajkun is kidnapped by the swaying of her tresses that "stretch almost touching the ground." Do not know yet that that child will become so central in his life. They grow together in Pristina, in the same house, although he is Serbian and Kosovar her Albanian. Their fathers, and Milos Besor, share a passion for medicine and the poetry of Charles Simic. Their mother, Slavica and Donika, fight over how to make canned peppers and details of some ballads, the common heritage of the peoples of the Balkans. But Kosovo, where for centuries these people have lived in the late nineties bleeds. It is yet another wound to the heart of Europe, the Balkans. Between New Year's Eve fireworks and the shooting of the guerrillas, and Zlatan Ajkun promise eternal love "as just two guys can promise." But history separates them: conscript him, she displaced. Ajkun is found in Switzerland, where Sarah gives birth. Zlatan ends in Italy, where he meets Ines. A tiny girl, with hair that falls on the shoulders. Just as Ajkun. In an alternate installation, the novel follows the lives of the two protagonists, their chase and tap, and perhaps lost. Along the way, tangled in a babel of languages, and Zlatan Ajkun crossing a small crowd of characters in intense, real, with their wealth of stories to follow.

I just closed the book and I already know I will miss him. I've eaten in a few hours, so beautiful and compelling story is narrated. A hard, sad, suffering but also of love. The suffering that war can only give a recent war between Serbs and Albanians, which leaves deep tears in everyone's life. And love, the deep and intense that binds two children growing up together that are protected and that would be destined to be together. It 's the story of a promise of love, which should be more stronger than everything. But the war does not make allowances. Bursts into life, making refugees and constricting to separate. It just so happens the two players: Zlatan in Italy falls in love again, you rebuild a life, but always with a piece of heart is missing. One dedicated to Ajkun, including refugee policy, with an even more terrible history behind it, to all women victims of the army. But both started to live again, become more and grow and change so that when the much-needed meeting hard to recognize. And then there's Ines, there are Sarah and Jacqueline, and there are mainly the parents of two boys, their past so terribly similar to that of their children.
It 'book incredible. A love story (perhaps a bit exaggerated at the end), but also a history of war. A story that deeply touched and that you take, perhaps because it speaks of a recent past, a past that we all read in the newspapers.
Read, absolutely.

"I know nothing, no one knows when he falls in love. Fuck you!"

"They were beaten, yes, but everyone beat. Some use words, others by hand. And others silent. "

" certain dreams are already difficult to dream on behalf own, let alone two "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pinky Getting Toes Sucked

ACCABADORA-Michela Murgia

Why is Maria ended up living in the house of Bonaria Urra, Soren is a mystery that it is hard to understand. The old and the girl walking the streets of the country followed by a trail of malicious comments, yet it is so easy Tzia Bonaria took Mary with him, will make it grow and will make his heir, asking in exchange for the presence and care for when you need it to her. Fourth daughter of his widowed mother, Mary is accustomed to think, her first, as the last. " For this continues to amaze the respect and attention of the country's old seamstress, who offered her a home and a future, but above all let live and do not seem to want anything for him. "Suddenly it was as if it were always like fili'e soul and soul, a less guilty of being a mother and daughter." Yet there is something in this old, dressed in black and in his long silences, there is the mysterious aura that accompanies it, along with the shadow of fear going on in the eye of the encounters. There are nights out that Mary listens but does not understand, and an almost millennial wisdom concerning the things of life and death. What I know is that Mary did not imagine is that Tzia Bonaria Urra sews clothes and comforts the soul, he knows the charms and bills, but when you need to be ready to go homes to bring a merciful death. His is the final dell'accabadora and loving gesture, the last mother.

If the book ended about halfway through, this comment would be reduced simply to "gorgeous" or "masterpiece", it would be difficult to find other words to describe the story told and the way in which the author manages to bring us all ' inside of the story, that''50 years of Sardinian village where you play the story of Mary and her "adoptive mother". What a beautiful relationship between the two, which is abruptly interrupted when she discovers that the woman with whom he lives is a 'accabadora ", the one who ends up ... or the one that 'a boost to fate with the people now in the process of dying. Beautiful now, beautiful, poetic and realistic descriptions (I love the novels "realists") and the plot can not catch you.
But then, when Mary discovers this secret and can not accept it, he decided to go to Turin to act as nanny. And here the writer is lost. The novel is too hasty, as if he wanted to add something without quite knowing how to write. Too bad, because this part is very beautiful and interesting, if it were not so dismissive.
The finish, well, obvious, of course, but also the only truly possible.

Worth still much to be read. And this Italian author certainly has a great talent.