Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Wife Sunbaking Topless

Finished! - Part II Alien Abduction

(c) Helbling Languages \u200b\u200b
Completed this book from school very cute story that will help children and adults to deepen their knowledge of English ... studied English, which is important!
From October 6 to 10, you can browse at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Small Backyard Landscape

Although this cartoon is intended for a school book.
China and photoshop.
(c) Helbling Languages.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Molly's Mansion Blueprints


begins here a series of interviews with translators. The series plays on the second meaning of Publishing. How many times have you read, "was arrested and taken in chains before the court"?

Translated, that is carried out (my chains are foam).

In fact, the translator takes the meaning (but not only) of a text from one language to 'other. In France, there is the habit of defining smugglers, that is ferryman.

But a translator, in my view, is much more.

thus beginning the exquisite Sandra Biondo, of which I enclose photos nearby.


NAME Sandra

LANGUAGE / S Portuguese and Italian

PLACE Bologna, Italy

D -. Why the translator?

R. And why not? :-)

my language skills and "cultural" (in-depth knowledge of Brazil, having lived for many years) took me almost casually on the street.

D. Trade or profession, craft or art?

R. Trades & Crafts. Profession because it takes much talent and skills profile medio-alto/alto. But Crafts, because it is a work in creativity limited ": it rewrites the work of others and in most cases means that we commission others and not what you would like to translate it to suit your aspirations.

D. - Always interesting, as a profession / occupation / other?

R. Yes, even if the market is a tyrant and it is often discouraging.

D. - Working method?

R. I never read the book before translating. First phase of work fast, cast: I call it "transcription of the text in Italian." Second phase, the actual translation from the first transcription: it is when the book takes its almost final form, the periods are written in an Italian more syntactically correct, are removes the casts, the style choices are made, it enriches the vocabulary. Third phase, after at least a week when I leave the text in complete decantation (without opening the file even once), I call to do repents "(in Portuguese, the fine comb): The" haircut "at the end, the reading to an open mind, the small refinements and the dissolution of the nodes that the constant contact with the text can not resolve. If the book is very "important" or particularly difficult or sensitive, I add a further reading (up to now I've only done three books). Finally, very slow transition to the spelling checker in Word, with painstaking attention to remove any typos. And the file can be sent. Sure enough, before the scheduled delivery date in the contract.

D. - Your style

R. I do not think you have one.

D. - Day-type

R. When I translate (do not sign a contract for more than 3 years), I devote the first part of the morning to things other than translation type chores, answering mail, shopping. Start working towards the 10 to 10.30. Pause at 13 for lunch. Resumed earlier of 15 and a second, single session until 20. I give a lot more in the afternoon because I concentrate better, sometimes I can go up to 21, especially if I gave myself a half an hour daily and see that with more work I can achieve. I do not work hardly ever after dinner (I have happened a dozen times in seven years) and take a full day of rest per week and in summer almost never does not coincide with Sunday.

D. - Relationship with the author translated

R. if living and accessible, excellent relations. It happened to me with three authors so far, I have always found great willingness on their part. Without false modesty, I confess that my absolute fluency in Portuguese written makes things easier, usually ask me if I am Brazilian and how it translate into Italian. Create an immediate empathy.

D. cibliste ou sourcier / ère (but also sorcier / sorcière)?

R. I do not know what it means cibliste ...

D. What is the salt / pepper that makes you unique as a translator?

R. the knowledge and "embodied" Brazilian culture

D. A joy

R. becoming the reference point in Italy of the foundation that owns the rights of a major Brazilian author that I have translated

D. A disappointment

R. when a publisher has "forgotten" to give my name as translator and curator of a work (with a subsequent letter from the victory and out of court with substantial damages)

D. free thinking here (which will derive from the application that you write)


Does Time Warner Have A Land Line Hookup?

Finished! A Head in South

(c) Harper Collins Publishers
stores a committee that made me a bit 'suffer ... my little four-legged felt a bit 'neglected during my days of hard work, so I took a walk for the book.
Here you will find some little information about the book in question, to look at the interiors have to wait a while '!
I thank everyone who visited us on August 31 at the Literary Festival A Head in South , if only for a brief greeting.
Here you can read the article by Nadia Pavoncelli.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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